Chapter 11

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When I walk through the doors of Sirens, I feel a mixture of nervous and excited. Harry and I had spent the whole afternoon together dancing but there wasn't anyone here who knew we saw each other outside of work. Or even knew that Harry danced. I could tell he wanted to keep it a secret and I respected that. There was obviously a reason why he never shared that side of himself. I hoped that one day he would trust me enough to tell me but until then I was just happy to be in on his secret.

It was undeniable the attraction between us. Each time we would stop dancing this afternoon, he wouldn't let go of my hand, continuing to hold it as he explained the next step. And his eyes would linger; I caught him staring at my chest while we were in hold, prompting me to lift his chin with my hand to remind him where his vision should be. At one point he put on Tempo by Lizzo, the song he walked in on me twerking to, and teasingly asked if he could get an encore.

But it wasn't one sided. I would lift his shirt up every chance I got, to show off the ferns on his stomach and each time he would yank it back down with a smirk and a finger wave. I would let my hands drag gently across his back when I had to walk around him for our routine, even though it wasn't part of the choreography. And when he asked for that encore, I did it. Only for five seconds and I waited until he least expected it, but I still did it. And watching him bite his lip watching me, made it worth it.

The rest of the girls are already in the staff room getting ready when I come in. There's pop music playing out of a speaker. I change into my red shiny dress and as I'm fastening my shoes there's a knock at the door. Harry peeks his head in and it's so different than how he does it at the studio, that I think he must only do it that way to make me laugh.

"Hey CiCi, can I talk to you in my office?"

"Sure," I say, gulping harshly out of worry, especially because he didn't call me Sunshine.

As soon as he is gone, the girls all let out 'ohhh's' like I just got called down to the principal's office.

"Shut up!" I say, swatting at them and they giggle at my reaction.

"Show him this again," Angela says, twerking her ass at me. "I'm sure that will get you out of trouble."

"You guys are the worst!" I say in a huff, as I leave them laughing hysterically.

My dread builds as I approach Harry's office. The door is open so I walk in.

"Can you shut the door?" he asks, so I do.

He stands from his chair behind his desk and makes his way towards me, sitting on the front of his desk.

"I just wanted to ask you if you could not say anything about my dance background or us dancing together to anyone."

As I start to speak to agree with what he is saying and assure him that I would never tell a soul, he speaks again.

"I think it would make it very uncomfortable for me. I just wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea about us. It would be...bad."

"And what idea would that be?" I ask and I'm unsuccessful in hiding the annoyance in my voice.

"That you and I were together or dating or...whatever."

It's the 'whatever' that I hate. Like it was so obvious that I would sleep with him if he wanted. It's what makes the fiery side of me come out.

"And that would be 'wrong'?" I ask, using his words against him with big air quotations around them. "The idea of you with me is 'bad'?"

"Yes," he says quickly, and then sees my face react in shock and he realizes what he implied. He quickly says, "no, no, no," and then adds "that's not what I meant."

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