Chapter 84

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A warm, sunny late August day in London is hard to beat. The whole city seems to come alive with everyone taking the opportunity to enjoy the weather before it disappears again. Parks fill up with families having picnics or couples lying on blankets on the grass. Every restaurant that has outdoor seating gets overwhelmed with people wanting to dine al fresco.

Harry and CiCi walk together down the street. Both of them still a bit worked up from their teasing earlier and seeing each other in various states of undress. Harry thought about coming out of the shower and walking into the living room nude but he decided that probably was pushing it a little too far. All that courage he had in the shower has evaporated now though, because he desperately wants to hold her hand but he can't seem to do it.

Their arms swing by their side, touching every so often. Each time that electricity zings between them, like it's building the current. Charging up for something bigger. They both feel it zip up their spines and casually glance at each other as if checking if the other person feels it too. They're both rewarded with flushed cheeks and quickly diverted eyes.

As they approach the restaurant, Harry slows down and stops, and CiCi stops too, looking at him questioningly.

"Don't hate me for this," he tells her.

"For what?" she asks confused.

He doesn't answer and instead walks the last few steps to the outdoor patio, greeting two women and a little girl. He picks up the child when she shouts, "Uncle Harry!" at him, and nuzzles into her face, making her giggle. Harry turns his attention back to CiCi and the two women direct their gaze at her as well.

"You must be CiCi!" the older of the two says with a big smile. "I'm so glad to meet you."

"CiCi, this is mother, Anne, and my sister, Gemma. And this little one is Danika, my niece," Harry introduces everyone.

"Please, sit," Gemma says, gesturing to the empty chair beside her.

CiCi sits and watches Harry do the same across from her at the table, little Danika on his lap still. It feels like he is using her as a human shield, like she can't stay mad at him if there's something that adorable so close to him. His eyes finally meet hers and she can see the mixture of apology but also mischief because he knows she's not mad.

"We've heard so much about you that it's nice to finally meet you," Anne says. Gemma looks at her, not with suspicion, but more a curiosity. Like she's carefully deciding what type of person CiCi is. Always the protective older sister.

CiCi listens as the three of them catch up and talk easily, a closeness there that makes CiCi's insides warm. She can see exactly how he became this thoughtful, caring man. It's easy to see when men have had a strong female influence in their lives and it's clear that Harry was raised by women. It shows in every time a woman speaks and he gives her his focus. In always respecting every idea CiCi ever brought to their dance training. It showed in the tone at the club, that all the men there were respectful of women and always kept an eye out for them.

They order lunch and after half a glass of wine, CiCi is beginning to relax. Being thrown to the wolves by Harry became a bit less daunting when CiCi realized the wolves didn't want to eat her. Also, they weren't wolves at all, quite the opposite—people who were more likely to take in an injured wolf and nurse it back to health. They would treat the wolf with such hospitality that it would spend the rest of it's life defending their property. CiCi could see already the loyalty and protectiveness she feels for these three, simply from the warmness of their welcome and how fondly they look at Harry.

"We are so excited to come tomorrow and watch," Anne says. "Was any of your family able to make the trip?"

"No..." she starts to answer but then Harry is interrupting her.

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