Chapter 62

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I'm lucky when I hear Carmen loudly coming down the hallway towards Harry's office and smile softly at Harry before sneaking out to meet Carmen halfway.

"Hey, there you are! How was the competition?" she asks excitedly. "Wait! Were you just in Harry's office with him?!" and her eyes go wide, trying to look behind me towards the office. I push on her shoulders, turning her around and walking us back to the staff room.

"It's not what you think. He was at the competition too with his students and he drove me here after. We just had some dinner together."

"Sounds like a date!" she says raising her eyebrows at me.

"It wasn't!" I protest. "And, oh my god, Carmen! My kids won first place in their contemporary division!"

"That's amazing! But stop trying to distract me from the juicy gossip of you and Bossman hanging out again. Spill!"

I roll my eyes at her before looking behind me to see if anyone is coming.

"He's really trying to earn back my trust. And he is soo good with my students! They absolutely adore him! And we spent the whole day together and it was just like it used to be, minus the kissing," I rush out my words in a hurried excitement, glad to be finally able to talk about him. "And he's just so fucking hot! Like I have to stop from throwing myself at him!"

I say the last bit and Carmen's eyes go wide.


She is making eye contact with someone behind me. I turn around slowly and am met with long curly hair, green eyes and a sexy beard.

"Hey," he looks down but I can tell he is trying to hold back a smug grin, "everyone is waiting for you on stage."

"'K," I manage to squeak out, my cheeks the color of a tomato. He leaves and I turn back to look at Carmen with distrust in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me he was there?!"

"He's so silent! It's those damn dancer's feet!" she defends herself.

I pat my cheeks, feeling how flaming hot they are and I groan loudly at how embarrassing that was. God, he's never going to let me live that down.

Carmen and I walk out together and Harry has the good grace to not be out here at this moment. We meet everyone on stage and break into our partnerships to start practicing.

"You are very flushed," Adrian comments when he sees me. "Is it my good looks that have you all hot and bothered?" he winks conspiratorially.

I only roll my eyes at him in return as we get into hold to practice. Only halfway through our routine we determine there's not quite enough room for all three couples to practice on stage. We move some of the tables on the floor and begin practicing our dance there. It's nice to not be constrained by competition rules. We can combine different styles and do interesting lifts. We also don't have to be in hold the entire time and can be apart and do some synchronized stuff.

The only problem is both Adrian and I keep coming up with new ideas and changing the dance slightly that we haven't come up with a finished product yet and we only have tonight and two other nights to nail it before next weekend when Harry has invited a select few clients for a soft opening. It will then be three weeks before he opens for real, the weekend after we get back from Worlds; Labour Day long weekend.

Adrian is constantly trying to add lifts but then as soon as he found out my ribs are extra ticklish, he tickles me during the lift and we never end up completing it.

"Stop it," I say laughing with a big smile on my face. "I'm never going to trust you to do it if you keep doing that. I'm always going to think you're going to tickle me."

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