Chapter 30

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I sleep late on Sunday and roll out of bed at two in the afternoon. These late nights and early mornings are wreaking havoc on my body. I take a long shower, blow drying my hair after. When I go into the kitchen, I see Carmen sitting in the kitchen sipping a coffee.

"Hey," she says to me.

"Hey," I answer, still sleepy.

I look down and see a bag sitting by the door.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Niall and I are going away for a couple nights to Montauk. I'll be back Wednesday."

"Oh my god! I didn't know you guys were so serious! I feel like such a shitty friend. To both of you."

"No! I've been waiting to make sure it's serious before talking to you. Didn't want to jinx it."

The door buzzer goes and she jumps up to go answer it. It's Niall, here to pick her up.

"Have fun," I say hugging her. "I want to hear all about when you get back!"

"I will!" and she's out the door.


At ten to five, the door buzzer rings again and I answer it.

"Hey," I say knowing it's Harry. "I'll be down in five."

"Buzz me up. I'll wait for you inside."


I answer the door when he knocks, and I'm met with Harry in black denim jeans and a short sleeve button up shirt. In his hands is a large bouquet of flowers.

"Are those for me?" I ask, blushing at the thought of Harry buying me flowers.

"Yes, I have another bouquet for your Nonna in the car."

He leans forward to hand them to me and I ignore the flowers and kiss his mouth instead. I feel the sides of his mouth pull up in a smile and his arms wrap around me, kissing me deeper the second time. I pull back and peck his lips once more before taking the flowers from him.

"Thank you," I say, with a flush to my cheeks from our kiss.

I quickly fill a vase with water and put them in it before rushing to get my purse and put my shoes on. I reapply my lipstick in the mirror and come out to find him sitting on the couch, flipping through a magazine. He stands when he sees me.

"You look beautiful. I should have said that when I saw you but you were too busy snogging me," he says chuckling.

I approach him and look at his mouth, wiping the remnants of my lipstick away. I look down at his shirt and see that it's unbuttoned to his naval. I reach forward with two hands gently touching both sides of his shirt.

"I like this," I whisper to him, "but my family might think it's a bit much and you should start on the right foot with them."

I button his shirt up, still leaving the one at the top unbuttoned.

"As long as you promise to unbutton it for me later," he says with a smirk.


We pull up in front of my grandparent's house and I can see a few of my family members on the front porch. They stare at Harry's car like they've never seen a nice vehicle before even though half of them work as tow truck drivers who often tow expensive repossessed cars. Harry walks around the car to open my door and he grabs the bouquet of flowers he brought out of the backseat.

"Hey CiCi!" my younger cousin Stella greets me with a hug.

"Who's the dude?" my older cousin Marco says rudely.

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