Chapter 31

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Monday morning classes go well and I rush over to Harry's studio after. Last night, I fought the urge to invite Harry inside because I don't even know what we are. Are we dating? Because, technically, we've never ever been on a date. And I need to tell Zayn that whatever him and I have going needs to stop before I decide what I am with Harry. But how do I do that? It'll screw up everything.

I open the studio door and I see Zayn stretching and I figure Harry must be on the other side of the room in his office.

"Hey Z."

"Hey," he says.

"How was work last night?"

"Busy. Felt like every person in town needed help or was parked illegally. How was Nonna's?"

I gulp before answering, looking away as I tie my shoes.

"Same old," I say, trying to appear nonchalant. A beat goes by before he speaks again.

"Who was all there?"

"Uh, you know, the usual. I mean Niall was away with Carmen and you weren't there..." my voice trails off nervously. He looks at me, assessing my face and I look away because it feels too intrusive. He speaks again.

"I heard Harry was a real hit."

I look up and meet his eyes, already staring at me. I try to read them but he seems to be playing his cards close to his chest, whereas I know my emotions are written all over me.

"Yeah, I thought Nonna would get a kick out of talking to someone who lived in Italy for a while," I say nervously because I'm a terrible liar.

"Yeah?" he says, testing me and I crumble immediately.


"No, I get it CiCi. It was me that you didn't want the relationship with."

"Zayn, that's not true. He's my friend."

"Just like I'm your friend?" he challenges staring at me. I take a deep breath and let it out, not sure how to respond to that and when I don't he speaks again.

"It's fine, okay? I should have told you sooner. It's my fault. Let's just get the next competition over with and hopefully Worlds, and then we'll see where we go from there."

He walks away from me into the middle of the studio, just as Harry comes out of his office, not realizing what he just walked into. I stand up and slowly walk to meet them, trying to get my emotions under control with each step. I don't think it worked though with the concerned look Harry gives me when he looks at me. I'm glad he doesn't say anything and just goes straight into today's session.

Harry decides we should start running through all the previous dances we learned before learning anymore. This doesn't make sense to me since we only have one more to learn, the Rumba, but I don't argue with him. The unfortunate part about this is I'm forced to dance with Zayn the entire time with only minor breaks while Harry corrects something. He films us as we go through our Cha Cha Cha and our Jive and then sends us the videos so we can look through it at home.

Zayn leaves the studio quickly, despite my best efforts to slow him down. I'm left staring at the closed door again as he leaves. I huff out a sigh and finish switching my shoes. I grab my bag and as I stand up, I hear Harry's footsteps coming closer to me.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened between the time I dropped you off last night and today that led to that completely awkward session?"

I look at Harry and then back at the closed door that Zayn just walked out of, nervously twisting the strap on my bag. Harry reaches and stills my hand, pulling it away from the strap, while looking at me imploringly.

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