Chapter 15

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I wake up feeling refreshed after sleeping in this luxurious bed that Harry owns. I know these must be high thread count sheets from how soft they are. I can't imagine what his bed must be like if this is the guest bed. I stretch my arms over my head and yawn before throwing the blankets off and standing up, hearing noises coming from the other side of the door.

I find Harry in the kitchen eating breakfast: black coffee and avocado toast. There was a reason he was in such good shape.

"Morning," he says to me. "How are you feeling?"

"Rested," I respond back, which is something I haven't felt ever since I started working at the club with the late hours and early mornings.

"Good," is all he says back before offering me his toast and getting up to make more.

I take his black coffee too, and when he sees me do it he smirks at me.

"What time is it?" I ask, not sure where my phone is and thinking it's probably dead anyways.

"Nearly ten, why?"

"Shit! I have to get home! I have a class to teach at 11," I run back into the bedroom. I grab my bag and dig for my phone and sure enough it's dead. I throw all my stuff in the bag and begin leaving with my shoes in my hand.

"Thank you for last night..." I start blabbing as I head to the door.

"Hold still, I'll drive you," he says, putting his shoes on and grabbing his keys and wallet.

We stand about a foot apart in the elevator and I think about his words to me last night. He had told me to decide if I wanted him to stay being just my boss or if I wanted to give him the green light to not hold back with me. I had asked him what that meant and he said he had been trying to be respectful and not try and pursue me publicly before.

"So, if I give you the 'green light'," I used his terms, "then you're going to 'pursue' me?"

He had stepped even closer to me at that point, moving his thumb from my cheek to my mouth, and running it along my lower lip. I don't think I was breathing anymore.

"Yes," he said simply. The word had never sounded sexier.

He quickly pulled his hand from my mouth and took a step back, as if it pained him to do it.

"But I want you to sleep on it. I don't want you to decide right now. You went through something traumatic tonight and I'd like you to be well rested and thinking clearly when you decide."

I had gone to bed right after we spoke and laid awake for awhile thinking before making my decision and falling asleep soundly.

That was last night and now he was opening his car door for me as I got inside for him to drive me home. We didn't talk the entire drive and I could tell that he was waiting for me to tell him my answer. I was grateful that he wasn't pushing me though; letting me get there on my own.

We pulled in front of my apartment and at that point Harry finally spoke.

"Go get your stuff and I'll drive you to the studio."

"Harry, that's really not necessary," I tell him.

"I know. I want to," he says. "Hurry, you're going to be late."

I rush upstairs and come into my place, running to get changed out of Harry's clothes and switched into my own. I grab my dance bag and my portable charger and rush back to his car.

"Thanks for waiting," I say as we start to drive.

"I'm a patient man," he says and I know he's teasing me, referring to waiting for my answer.

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