Chapter 24

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When I went inside my apartment after Harry left, Carmen immediately asked me about Harry.

"Was he mad at you about all that stuff you said about the club?"

"No, he actually agreed with me. Said he wanted to sit down and discuss it."

"Really?! That's great! How did you know all that business stuff?"

"I have a degree in Business. I finished in April."

"Holy shit! Why aren't you using that degree?"

"I have a job lined up at a consulting firm but I deferred until Worlds were over."

"Are you going to quit dancing?"

"I don't think I'll be able to do both," I say shrugging.

"That makes me so sad, CiCi! You're such an incredible dancer. Way better than I'll ever be. You can't quit!"

"I won't have the time to dance and work. I'm okay with it. I've made my peace," I say, not fully believing the words myself.

After eating dinner together we walk to work, happy that it was still warm out in the evening. I felt anxious about seeing Harry. He had admitted that he did have a secret and told me that one day he would tell me. I had a feeling the secret had to do with why he doesn't dance professionally anymore and why he moved to New York. Louis said it was five years ago so Harry would have only been twenty-seven years old. What could happen to a young dancer that would make them leave everything behind?

We greet everyone as we come in and Jonesy tells me that him and his boyfriend got tickets to my competition in two weeks. It warms my heart that he is going to come.

When I see Louis, he holds his hands out and shows me two tickets to the competition with a big smile on his face. I throw my arms around him in a hug and he hugs me back.

"Who's the other one for?" I ask.

"Liam. He really wanted to come and support you. I think Tanner and Joe are coming and Brody too."

"Who's going to be working if all of us are at the competition?" I ask chuckling, but also seriously wondering.

"You didn't hear? Harry is closing the place down for the night so we can all go."

I don't know if my eyes had ever come closer to popping out of my head. My mouth was dropped in shock.

"He came around and talked to all of us at the end of our shift yesterday. He said he knew that a lot of staff wanted to go to support you. Told us, he'd pay us for the night too. I mean, that's pretty nice of him."

"Yeah," I manage to get out.

"You look like you could use a drink," Louis says as he takes in my still-stunned expression. He quickly pours a single shot of tequila and slides it to me.

I drink it quickly without thinking too hard about it and nod a thank you at Louis, walking away still in a bit of a daze. I walk right past the staff room, and Carmen sees me and shouts at me to hurry up. I completely ignore her and continue to walk down the hallway. My feet are carrying me without my brain thinking too hard about it.

I knock on the office door and the second I hear him say 'come in' I'm opening the door.

"Hey Sunshine, what can I..." and he stops talking when he sees me shut the door behind me and lock it. I think his shocked face might match mine.

I walk around the desk, and stand in front of him before placing my hands on the side of his face and crashing my lips into his. All the electricity that has been buzzing between us for weeks explodes in the kiss. Our lips are connected for about five seconds before I pull back but keep my face close to his.

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