Chapter 3

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I don't wake until 11 the next morning, and it's only because I'm woken up by someone singing softly in my room, "Waaakeee upppp Sleeepyyy."

"Ugh," I moan out, burying my face further under the blanket.

"You agreed to brunch!" he counters.

"I know but I didn't get home until 5," I groan.

"We brought coffee," another voice sings, entering the room.

"Why did you bring Niall," I complain from under the covers.

"Heyyy! I'm going to Sunday dinner later. I thought I could drive you there since you don't drive. Or really I should say you can't drive."

I throw a pillow at him, and then curse because it was so warm and soft and I don't like my other pillows as much.

"Easy tiger! What's bothering her?" he directs the question to Zayn.

"She was up late. She started working at Sirens as a go go dancer."

"What?!" Niall says with his mouth dropped open. "Your brothers are going to kill you."

Niall was as good as family to me. He was friends with my older brother so he was always at my house growing up. Him and Zayn became close when they started working together after graduation at my Uncle's tow truck company. They ended up moving into an apartment together to split the rent so now I saw Niall more than I did my three older brothers.

"Come on CiCi. You'll feel better once you eat. I always do," Niall says.

I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. I come out and get dressed quickly, throwing on an oversized hoodie and bike shorts with my sneakers. Our favourite breakfast place is a short walk from my place, one of the few reasons why I stay at my shitty apartment with my even shittier roommate. We order our food, and I stay silent as I sip my coffee while they both talk animatedly.

"When are you working next?" Niall asks me.

"Thursday," I answer, now eating the delicious food that our server brought us. "College Night."

"We should go," he says to Zayn. "Meet some college chicks."

"I don't know," he says, suddenly uncomfortable.

"We don't work on Friday. Anddd, we can keep an eye on CiCi. Make sure everyone is treating her right."

Zayn's head finally lifts up from his food, looking at Niall and then looking at me.

"Fine," he says, and goes back to eating.

"Yes! CiCi, can you hook us up?"

"I can get you on the guest list for sure. I don't know about drinks."

"Are you kidding?! Your boss must love you! You're probably the best dancer there!"

"She is," Zayn says, under his breath, but neither of us miss it.


"He was kind of a dick last night," and as soon as I say it I regret it.

"What the hell did he do?" Zayn asks loudly.

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" I whisper yell at him. "He didn't really do anything per se."

"What happened?" Niall asks, the more calm of the two. Zayn looks like he is going to break his fork in two.

"They had this gimmick on Saturday where everyone wears a number and then you can send messages to numbers as an indirect way of talking to people. It's actually kind of a good idea because as a woman it lets you reject a man without having to reject them face to face..." I trail off.

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