Chapter 41

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Harry practically pushes people out of our way to get out of the club, as he pulls me along beside him, a man on a mission. I can't help but stare at his ass and reach forward and grab a handful. He keeps walking but turns around with a grin on his face and I say "it's only fair," smiling back at him.

We get out the door and up the stairs, both of us bubbling with excitement. He was right about wanting to fuck the other person's brains out after doing that dance.

"My place?" he asks and I nod eagerly at him, causing his smile to grow. "I can't wait to peel that dress off of you," he whispers in my ear, making me blush.

"I don't know if we'll make it all the way there," I whisper back to him. "I want you right now."

He groans at my words and then leans sideways kissing my mouth as we carelessly walk along the street. Arms wrapped around each other. We're not quite looking in front of us when we hear someone speak.


Harry stills at the sound of the name. I watch his face change from excited to nervous so quickly that it makes me feel nervous too.

"Em?" he says and with the sound of her name, he drops my hand, and nothing has ever hurt quite like it. He might as well have shoved me to the ground because it would have felt the same.

"It's been a long time. You look so different, I barely recognized you. It's good to see you," but her cold expression doesn't match her words.

I can hear her Italian accent now that she spoke more than one word and I look between the two of them. She looks like she is hiding her anger and he looks like he saw a ghost.

"You too," he manages to say, but I can tell his words are a lie.

She is with a group of people who are talking amongst themselves behind her. I'm left standing there wondering if Harry is ever going to acknowledge that I'm here too. I'm grateful when she tilts her head towards me, before reaching out her hand.

"And you are?" she says, and makes a point of looking pointedly at Harry, asking for an introduction.

"Oh, this is Ciro," he says, which sounds strange coming out of his mouth because he never calls me that. As I reach my hand forward he adds, "she works for me."

I flinch at his words as if he struck me. Em notices and a wry smile pulls at her mouth. She had definitely been watching us walk down the street together.

"Nice to meet you, Ciro."

"You're in town?" Harry asks her, not bothering to introduce her back to me.

"Yes, just for a short visit to see some friends and for work."

"Work?" Harry asks, clearly taken off guard by the thought.

"Yes, I'm judging at the New York Invitationals next weekend. Igor had to drop out so they called me."

I think Harry and I both swallow hard at the same time.

"I have to get going. My friends are impatient. It was nice seeing you again, Eddie. And you...?"

"Ciro," I supply for her, knowing she didn't forget but that she just wanted to make me feel smaller than I already do in this interaction. I hate her for it.

"Right! Ciro. Sorry, it's a boy's name where I'm from. Silly American parents. Ciao!"

She walks past us with her friends and down the steps into the club. When I look up at Harry, he is running his hands through his long hair and looking anywhere but at me. The stress in his features is evident.

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