Chapter 48

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I wake up to my alarm on Friday morning and remember that I have to teach a ballet class today. I jump up and rush around the room, and in and out of the bathroom to get ready.

"Sunny, what are you doing?" Harry says to me sleepily.

"I have to teach at 11," I answer him.

"Well, give me a minute and I'll go with you," he says, getting up from my bed.

"H, you don't have to do that. You can sleep and I'll be back in a bit."

"Are you kidding? Those kids are going to be asking about me. They're going to hound you, where's Harry, where's Harry. I'm saving you their disappointment by going,"

I giggle at his silliness, and probably very accurate assessment of what would happen if I showed up without him. Actually, I think the moms might be more upset.

As we drive over, I can feel the mood shift in the car and then Harry starts talking.

"You know we could do this. On our own."

"Do what?" I ask confused.

"Have our own studio and teach."

"You do have your own studio and teach," I say laughing.

He runs his hand through his hair and that's when I finally notice how nervous he is.

"Oh, you're serious," I say staring at him.

"I mean, yeah," he takes a quick peek at me before his eyes are back on the road.

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"Honest answer or less crazy answer?"

"Honest. Always," I answer back very seriously.

"Since the first time I taught with you. We were just so great together. And I've never taught young kids before, only teenagers and some adults, but with you it was so easy."

I think about what he's saying to me. Him and I running a full dance studio together. Plus, working at the club. And being in a relationship. It's a lot. But I can't help to feel really excited about the idea.

"Can I think about it?" I ask.

"Of course," he gives me a reassuring smile.

Once class is over, we start driving back to meet Zayn for our last practice session. Harry's brought my costumes so I practice in them. Zayn and I do it perfectly on the first try but we go through each dance a few times to make sure we have it nailed. He hugs me goodbye and says he'll see me tomorrow morning.

Harry walks towards me after Zayn's left and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. I put my arms around his waist cuddling into him.

"I can't wait to shower and eat something before work tonight," I say to him, exhausted.

"I kind of made other plans for you," he tells me with a smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"I booked you a hotel room at the competition site. I want you well rested for tomorrow. No work for you tonight. Those legs of yours need to be in tip top shape for the competition."

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