Chapter 60

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Adrian left before I could speak to him again and ask what exactly Harry lied to him about. Harry lingered around the bar, and only went back to his office when he saw me leaving with Carmen. I think he was making sure that I left with her and not anyone else.

Her and I walk home and she talks my ear off about how fun but difficult it was to learn something new. She asks me for a few tips on their routine and we must look like an interesting pair as we spent much of the walk in hold with each other as we went over the steps. Ballroom dancing the streets of New York with my female roommate wasn't something I expected to be doing as a twenty-three year old but here I am.

After a restless sleep, I wake up early Saturday morning and eat breakfast quickly before I'm out the door to the competition. The event is being held at a community center in Brooklyn and I end up taking an Uber because I don't want to be late. I walk in and see Rosa, the owner of the studio, and greet her with a hug. It's the last relaxing moment I have for the rest of the day.

After ensuring all their costumes look perfect, I have my first group of preschoolers lined up to go on stage. I'm trying to keep them quiet while the group before them performs but it's like shushing a thunderstorm. I see one girl's eyes get wide with excitement as she looks at something behind me. She then taps the shoulder of the girl next to her and she turns and looks and then begins jumping up and down. Soon the whole group of them are desperately trying to contain their excitement.

I turn around and come face to face with Harry.

"Good morning! You all look like you're ready to go," Harry says in an excited whisper.

It's a chorus of 'hi Harry!' and my perfect line is now a clump as they clamber to get close to him. I hear applause in the audience so I know the dance before us has finished.

"In a line! In a line! It's our turn!" I tell the children.

Harry helps me straighten the line and he stands at the back while I'm at the front. I look back at him and he gives me a smile and I can't help but smile back.

When it's our turn, I lead the group on stage and stand just off to the side. The music comes on and a few exuberant girls have enough energy for the lot of them as they perform. They finish to a lengthy applause and then are off stage and are met by Harry's jubilant cheers and high fives. I ensure each child finds their parent and I receive a few gifts from kids because it's the last day. I don't have a minute to talk to Harry as I see students from my next group already here and waiting for me.

It's the same reaction when they see Harry as the last group, and they might have missed him in class as much as I did. In identical fashion I get them into an orderly line after ensuring all their costumes looked perfect. It's utter chaos now behind the stage as tons of groups are all here to perform. These are my two preschool groups in the morning, then I have my preteens around noon and my teens in the afternoon.

When my group finishes and I say my goodbyes, I tuck a few presents down into my bag and then turn and find Harry waiting for me.

"When's your next time slot?" he asks.

"Not for two hours."

"You wanna go get coffee?"

"Harry, you're not going to stay all day are you? I appreciate the gesture and the effort you're making but you don't have to do that."

"I have two of my pairs performing at five, so don't worry about it."

"But you could go home and sleep right now. You don't have to be here for me."

"You're right. We should go home and nap," he says and grabs my hand pulling me to the door.

I drag my feet, trying to tug my arm back, while giggling at his silliness before he finally stops. I roll my eyes at him and his antics, him still holding my hand. That mischievous smirk on his face that I love is going to haunt me when I'm eighty.

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