Chapter 35

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After dinner on Wednesday, I had Harry drive me home. He had tried to convince me to stay the night but I didn't want Carmen asking any questions about where I'd spent the night. Plus, I would need more clothes before I went to our training session tomorrow. Zayn definitely would notice if I was wearing the same thing as the day before.

Harry insists on walking me up to my apartment and I protest and we eventually compromise that we'll say goodnight in the elevator and not at my front door.
He parks and opens my door for me and takes my hand as we get out. We walk inside and get into the elevator both of us a bit moony from our evening together. The elevator doors close and he immediately has me pinned to the wall with his hands on my hips.

"Har-ry!" I whine out at him, because anyone could get on at any floor without much warning.

But then his lips are on mine and I completely forget what I was so worried about. He kisses me like this is the last kiss he'll ever have. Like the world is ending and we better make the most of it. He makes my bones feel like honey as my body curves into his and he is picking me up and my legs wrap around him with ease. We hear the elevator ding when we reach my floor and we slowly pull our mouths away from each other, smiling stupidly.


Shit! My brother! I scramble out of Harry's arms and clumsily put my feet on the ground, nearly losing my footing before Harry grabs my arm.

"Hey Frankie," I say, trying to not sound guilty and failing. His eyes are staring daggers into Harry's, and I think I may see Harry gulp in fear. His eyes flit over to me, a look of both shock and annoyance on him. He doesn't say a word but reaches his hand out towards me. I look at it and then back at Harry.

"I guess, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Yeah," he barely squeaks out before clearing his voice. "Tomorrow."

"Thanks for dinner," and I step out of the elevator towards my brother who wraps his arms around my shoulder immediately and glares back at Harry as we walk towards my apartment.

I open the door of my apartment and see Carmen on the couch.

"Hey!" she greets me. "Your brother was..." she starts to say and then sees Frankie and stops. She looks between the two of us and it's like she understands something's up but doesn't know what.

"I'll give you two a minute," she says, and scurries off to her room, giving me a kind smile on the way. When I hear the door shut, I turn and face my brother.

"Frankie, let me explain..."

"Explain what, RoRo?! That you're sleeping with your boss who is a decade older than you!"

"No! Wait! How do you know he's my boss?" I ask confused.

"Zayn told me that you're working at that sleazy club! You're practically a stripper! What would Nonna think?"

"Pardon me?! I'm going to give you a chance to take that back right now or I swear to god Frankie, you're going to be sorry!"

He just stares at me with his arms crossed over his chest daring me to do something.

"Ok, let me make this perfectly clear to you and your little misogynistic brain: I don't need your permission on what job I have or who I date. Secondly, I'm dancing routines that I choreographed with three other dancers fully clothed! And as far as Nonna goes, she would one hundred percent support me being an independent woman earning my own money! So, fuck off Frankie!"

"What about Zayn? Does he know?"

"Ugh, why is everyone so concerned about Zayn?! Maybe one of you should date him and then you can all stop asking me about whether him and I are sleeping together!"

"I always thought you and Zayn were together and didn't tell anyone," he says more gently now.

"We've never been together," I admit sadly. I think these assumptions from all of them is probably why it's taken me more than a decade to get over him. I guess, when I heard it enough I assumed we would end up together eventually too. Never really opened myself to anyone else. "We're never going to be together," I say looking him in the eye to show how serious I am.

"And this Harry guy? He's good to you?"

I smile at the question, nodding my head, thinking about all the nice things Harry does for me to show he cares.

"Yeah, he's great. He's like how Nonno is with Nonna. Opening my door and carrying my bag. A gentleman."

"He seemed nice at Sunday dinner," he begrudgingly admits. "But that's when I thought he was just your dance coach."

A beat goes by and I see the wheels in his head turning and when the realization strikes his face.

"Holy shit! You brought him to Sunday dinner!"

"Shut up!" I hiss at him, looking towards Carmen's room. I know she's probably heard most of our conversation so far but I'm not ready for her to know that.

"Keep your voice down!" I whisper-shout at him, gesturing my head to Carmen's door.

A smirk grows on his face and then it turns to a serious face. When he speaks it's in a whisper.

"Ro, are you in love?"

"No. No. No," I pause. "No, definitely not."

His eyebrows raise and I can see him holding back a smile.

"I'm not!"

"I didn't say anything," he says, holding up his hands in defense.

"We're not even official or anything. We're just hanging out. And we haven't even been hanging out for that long," I start to ramble. "I mean, I work for him and there's so much we don't know about each other and..." I stop talking and look up at my brother and he is not trying to hide his smile at all.

Oh my god. I don't love him do I?

"Frankie, you can't tell Zayn. Or anyone. At least not until after Worlds."

"You're going to keep this a secret until the end of August?! It's only the middle of July!"

"I don't have a choice. Zayn will quit on me."

"No, he won't RoRo. He cares about you. He wouldn't leave you high and dry. Plus, me, AJ, Gianni and Niall would kill him if he did."

"A dead Zayn will be even less helpful," I tell him sighing.

"Your secret is safe with me but I don't think you should have to keep it a secret. Not if he means this much to you."

He moves towards the door, pointing to the fridge.

"Mom, sent me to drop off some food for you."

"Of course she did," I say, rolling my eyes. "Please tell her thank you."

"I'm sorry about earlier. You're my sister and I don't know how to think of you as not a little girl anymore."

"I'm twenty-three. It's probably about time that you started," I say gently punching his arm. He responds by pulling me in for a hug.

"I love you, sis," he says quietly to me.

"I love you, too," I say hugging him back.

As soon as the front door closes, Carmen's door opens. She walks towards me with a big smile on her face.

"I knew it! Tell me everything!"

A/N: Things are getting serious for our girl!

Have you ever had an overbearing sibling?

They're about one week now from the New York Invitationals. What's going to happen?


-Kay xx

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