Chapter 42

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When I wake up midday on Sunday afternoon, I feel so drained from the past two days that I don't have the energy to get out of bed. I lay there for nearly two hours just staring at my phone and thinking about what I'm going to do on Monday when I have to see Harry again. Last night, I was thankful when he gave me the space I asked for and let me finish working without any further interactions. I needed time to process everything that happened and decide what was going to be the best thing for me to do.

I liked Harry. I liked him more than a cautious person probably should. Being around him was empowering most of the time, but it was also risky and nerve wracking a small percentage of it. Like I didn't know if his secret was going to knock over the house of cards we had built or if we had built with bricks and we were stable enough to withstand it.

And he was right when he said he didn't know how to describe us. We had never put a label on it. We had never discussed being exclusive with each other. I knew I didn't want a casual hookup. I cared too much about him. But I cared about myself enough to know that I couldn't fully trust him.

At four, there's a knock on my bedroom door and Carmen peeks her head inside.

"Hey," she says gently aware of my downtrodden mood all day.

"Hey," I say back, not bothering to hide the fact that I'm snuggling my pillow like a teddy bear.

"Are you coming to Sunday dinner? Niall is going to be here soon to pick us up."

"I'm not feeling good. I think I'm going to stay home," I tell her.

"Louis told me about your fight with Harry. Do you want to talk about it?" she asks with sympathetic eyes.

"Not today," I tell her. Honestly, I wouldn't even know where to begin.

"I'll bring you home some leftovers," and she smiles at me and shuts the door softly.

At six at night, I get out of bed to shower and once I'm changed into fresh pajamas and get a bowl of cereal from the kitchen, I get right back into bed again. I flip open my laptop and put on a romantic comedy to torture myself some more.

I'm surprised when I hear my apartment buzzer going off because I'm not expecting anyone. I press the button to answer.


"CiCi, can we talk?"

I don't say a word, too upset and angry to form words.

"I went to your Nonna's place and she told me you were at home."

Damn it, Nonna. Who's side is she on?! And he showed up there with all of my family?!

"Please, can I come up?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," I say, and I hate listening to my voice tremble as I say it.

"Sunny, you promised me some patience until after Worlds."

"I don't think I can wait that long," I admit to him and also to myself.

"Time is all I want from you," he says back.

"And I think time is the most valuable thing you can give someone. I just don't know if I'm willing to give anymore to you. I'll see you tomorrow for training, Harry."

I'm grateful when he doesn't speak again and doesn't attempt to press the buzzer again. I curl back into my bed and spend the next few hours wondering if pushing him away is the right thing. Or if I should stick it out with him until after Worlds and have an amazing summer with him. I fall asleep thinking about the two possibilities.

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