Chapter 77

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The drive to Sunday dinner might be the thing that pushes Harry into buying a automatic car instead of a standard. Each time he has to shift and take his hand off my thigh, he gets an annoyed look on his face before he relaxes again when his hand is back on me.

"We could take an Uber next time," I say, reaching over and running my fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. "Spend the whole time making out in the backseat."

I lean over and kiss his cheek. Once. Twice. And then lick a big stripe up his ear.

"You're going to force me to pull over and your family are going to hate me for making you even later than we already are."

"I know. I have three missed calls from my mom and two from Niall. I didn't even bother to look at all the texts because I know I'm already in trouble."

"What if it's important?" he asks me chuckling.

"How important could it be?"

The words come out of my mouth as we pull up in front of my grandparent's house. I can instantly tell something is wrong. My mom is standing in the front yard and when she sees me, she comes running over with panic on her face. I can tell she is trying to keep it together. I open the car door quickly and she grabs me by the shoulders, looking me in the eye.

"What is it? What happened?" I ask.

"It's Zayn. He got hurt..."

"What?! Is he okay? Where is he?" I grip her arms back as I feel my eyes sting with tears.

"He's going to be fine," she says, smoothing her hands down my arms. "Just a minor accident while he was at work earlier. He'll completely recover."

"Then why are you running to meet me in the driveway?! You scared me half to death!" I swat at her arm in annoyance but she grips my wrist as I do.

"Ciro, it's his ankle. He'll be in a cast for six weeks."

Her eyes search mine for a reaction and I feel my knees give out and I slump to the ground in utter shock.

Six weeks.

We leave for Worlds in ten days.

I feel Harry sit down next to me on the ground and soon he is pulling me into his arms. I don't even realize I'm crying until he starts wiping the tears off of my face.

"We'll figure something out, Sunshine. Don't worry," he tells me.

"Like what?" I ask. "We're ten days away from getting on a plane and flying to London."

"I know dancers. Good ones. They can take his place."

"They'll never be able to learn the routines in time."

"You're such a strong dancer that it won't matter," he tries to reassure me but it only makes me madder because it's obvious what the solution is. He has to dance with me. But he isn't even suggesting it. For some reason he won't.

A car pulls up out front and I lift my head in time to see that it's Niall. He parks and then walks around to the passenger's side and opens the door and helps Zayn out of the car. He has a walking boot on his left foot. The moment he looks at me I see all the pity in his eyes but mostly the guilt.

"What happened?" I ask.

"The boom on the truck was acting up and not responding to the controls. I jumped up to fix it by hand and when I jumped down, my ankle rolled and I heard a crack. Ciro, I'm so sorry."

"Its's not your fault, Z," I tell him, because it's not. It's my fault for thinking I could really do this. For getting my hopes up again.

"But Harry could do it," Zayn suggests. I look at Harry hopefully and he is shaking his head already.

Dance with Me [h.s] (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora