Chapter 74

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Harry's POV

Everything at the club looks incredible. We went from a typical dark New York nightclub for college kids to a bright and elegant destination for sophisticated adults. The place has completely transformed in only a couple of weeks and I've never been this excited about something professional in my life.

I check in with the bartenders and make sure they have everything they need.

"Hey," Louis says, as he moves frantically around, making drinks. "We already sold five bottles of that Krug stuff, and one of the Dom."

"It's pronounced 'kroog',"I say laughing, but I do an inventory in my head about how many we bought. At $500 a bottle, I didn't expect to sell too many so this is a surprise. I'll have to tell Liam so he can make changes to our next order. "Are we good for everything else?"

"Might need to purchase more champagne ice buckets and glasses for the future. Our biggest seller before was bottles of beer so this is a change."

I watch as another waitress comes up and types in another order into the machine for him. More champagne. We're busy, very busy. As I look around the tables, I see a lot of wine and champagne, as well as martini and cocktail glasses. It's a far cry from shots and beer. We have a deejay playing music while everyone waits for the dancing to start but as I listen I think about if we should switch to a live band in the future. Something a bit more impactful. I'll have to ask CiCi what she thinks.

The music switches to something soft and Liam has stepped to the stage with a microphone.

"Good evening! Welcome to Alba!"

The crowd claps loudly, anxiously anticipating the main event. I circle around to the back of the club and stand next to Brody, against a wall with a clear view of the stage. We listen as Liam announces the first dancers.

Angela and her partner, Julio, step on the stage to applause. They get into their starting position and the audience waits for the music to start. Julio is a strong dancer and he leads Angela through the routine with confidence. She emotes perfectly to make up for any shortcomings in her dancing and flirts with both Julio and the audience. It's a great simple routine that has CiCi's touches written all over it, like little rays of sunshine peeking out.

They finish and the crowd claps enthusiastically while the dancers bow and exit the stage. I feel myself involuntarily let out a sigh and Brody looks at me from my right.

"Relax, boss. It's going great. And you know CiCi is going to tear the house down. Nothing to worry about," he says solemnly to me, like it's a sure thing in his mind and no chance of failure. His faith in her impresses me, that he's been effected by her warmth just as much as the rest of us.

There's a short break between dances and the deejay is back playing music again. I reimagine the stage and where we could fit a band. It's not long before Liam is back up there and introducing the next dance.

Nicole and Daniel have decided to use their size difference to their advantage as they perform a lot of lifts in their routine. His large body easily lifts her petite one and it gives a real wow factor to their routine. I'm willing to bet Nicole declined CiCi's help because it doesn't have the same polish the first routine had. She's hard headed that way and Ciro wouldn't push anything on her.

More applause is heard around the room and I make my way towards Jonesy and ask for an update.

"It's looking good, H. You might have to keep in check a few suits who have a bit too much bubbly or decide to use the bathroom as their own personal snort palace but I think if we keep an eye on the type of clientele coming in each night we can head off any problems before they start."

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