Chapter 87

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"I got the schedule for today. You'll be dancing your Jive, then your Cha Cha, and last is your Samba. Tomorrow will be your Rhumba and your Paso Doble. Your costumes are pressed and ready to go. I have your contestant number to stick on Harry. Hair and make-up will be here any second," Zayn rambles on and on while CiCi casually drinks her tea, wanting to giggle at how invested he is in their success.

She looks over at Harry who is sprawled out on the bed in just his robe. Hair wet and his beard freshly buzzed off. She had helped him do it when they woke up this morning. They used electric trimmers to get rid of the bulk of it and then Harry went in with a razor after. His face was still damp when CiCi grabbed him and kissed him, wanting to know exactly what it felt like to not have any facial hair tickling her while kissing him. She gently applied his after shave lotion, enjoying the scent so much that she decides she might not mind a clean shaven Harry.

Soon after there's a knock on the door, and Zayn is letting in the woman who will be doing Ciro's hair and makeup. She sits down in a chair in the room while the woman gets to work. Harry brings CiCi some food, and steals a soft kiss every so often, careful not to ruin her makeup. He comes out of the bathroom in his Jive outfit and they switch places when CiCi's finished—Ciro going to put on her first outfit while Harry gets his hair styled and his face powdered. Zayn keeps them on track for time and he is ushering them out the door for their first dance.

When they get to the ballroom, they are directed into the correct area to wait to perform. They don't see their families but they're not really looking. They're too focused on each other. Harry asks if CiCi would like to practice, and she calmly says no, smiling up at him. He doesn't sense any nerves or worry, just joyful bliss. All that sunshine pouring out of her and heating his own skin. He basks in it. Only feeling anxious to show her off to the rest of the world.

Their names are called and they step onto the dance floor and get into position. They listen as the music begins and Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation" starts. There's a moment of surprise as everyone watches CiCi step into a dominating woman role, bossing Harry around the dance floor. Their non-traditional take on the Jive is a risk, they knew that, but only thirty seconds in and the judges are bopping their heads to the beat and smiling at their playful dance.

The Jive is a fast dance, typically danced to a rhythm of 176 beats per minute. But "Bad Reputation" is 204 beats per minute. Harry and CiCi are heel flicking and rock stepping their way along and staying in character the entire time, as CiCi pursues Harry around the dance floor, tempting him with her body and trying to corrupt him. They're both glad the song is only two and half minutes long as they push themselves to the end, breathing heavily when the music finally ends.

Their eyes are locked on each other's for the finishing pose so they don't notice the crowd at first. The loud cheering soon gives them away and they turn their heads to bow and are shocked to find everyone on their feet, clapping wildly for them. They take an extended bow to the cheers and then hurry off the floor. The Worlds use a skating system for judging, where after the judges view all of the dancers, each judge will rank the couples, first, second, third, etc. The couple with the most first place votes takes that round. And the couple with the most first place overall between the five dances will be declared the winner.

CiCi and Harry head back upstairs to get changed into their second outfits for their ChaCha and a slight hair and makeup change as well. Zayn won't stop talking the entire time they're in the suite about how amazing their first dance was. Harry and CiCi stare at each other and smile, more focused on one another than anyone else. It's the only way CiCi is going to do well this weekend—she has to focus all her energy and emotions on Harry. That's why she needed to deal with Adrian before she left and Martina as soon as she got here. Now that her mind is clear, she can display all the right emotions for the dance. This is the moment she has to leave it all out on the floor and she's completely keyed up for it.

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