Chapter 63

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I sleep in Sunday, exhausted from my busy Saturday. Adrian and I eventually got our final routine choreographed. It's definitely going to make tongues wag and I hope that Harry understands when I tell him that it's all for show. He left early last night and I never got to speak with him. I'm worried that he left because he couldn't watch Adrian and I anymore but I hope he just left because he was tired from getting up early to come to the competition for me.

I shower when I wake up and head into the kitchen to make coffee and find Niall and Carmen curled up on the couch watching golf on TV.

"Ugh, he's making you watch that?! Snoreee," I tease.

"Quit that, you!" Niall says back.

"Are we heading to Nonna's soon?"

"Yeah, we were waiting on you," Carmen says, sounding sleepy as she stretches her arms and yawns like she had just been asleep.

"Let me drink a coffee and then we can head out."

"Just have one there," Niall says.

"Okay, okay. Give me five minutes to get ready."

The three of us are soon making the trip over to Brooklyn to my grandparent's house. I walk in the front door and greet a few of my cousins. I hear boisterous laughter and quick Italian coming from the kitchen and I go inside and my eyes go wide in surprise.

Harry is at the stove making lasagne with my Nonna and my Nonno is sitting in a stool nearby, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen him smile. Harry speaks quickly, too quickly for me to catch everything but it was something about a chicken and a goat and now both my grandparents are laughing, my Nonna clutching Harry's arm. I've never seen her cook with anyone but me. And my Nonno usually steers clear of the kitchen on Sundays, careful not to get in her way.

My Nonno catches sight of me first and stands up from the chair yelling, "Ciro!" He walks towards me and greets me with a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Ciao Nonno," I say to him. My Nonna gestures she has messy hands and I lean in and kiss her cheek from over her shoulder.

"La mia bellissima nicotine!" she tells me sweetly, before her tone changes to scolding, "Sei in ritardo."

"Scusa, Nonna," I apologize to her. "Notte tardi."

This is when Harry decides to look up at me and gives me a careful smile. I smile back, wondering why he's here but not being mad about it. I can see how easily he fits in and how happy he makes my grandparents.

I make a quick espresso in the kitchen and take it with me out the back door to the yard. I find Zayn, and Carmen and Niall back there, watching the younger kids playing tag in the yard.

"Hey, I hope that it's okay I brought Harry?" Zayn asks me.

"Of course. Although I think I got downgraded to second favorite," I answer him.

"Well that pushes me to third then," Zayn remarks.

"If you're third, where does that leave me?" Niall asks.

"Fifteenth," Zayn and I say in unison, to Carmen's laughter.

"You two are jerks," Niall says, as we all laugh.

Niall and Zayn get asked to play tag with the kids and they're all running around the yard while Carmen and I sit together on the steps of the back porch. She does a quick look behind her before speaking.

"Did Harry say anything to you last night know...he overheard you talking about jumping his bones?"

"Shhh," I say, looking back towards the house to make sure he isn't coming out. "Don't remind me! That was so mortifying. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night."

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