Chapter 9

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Niall and Zayn insist on driving me and Carmen to work after the competition, Angela and Nicole are taking their own car. We bump music the entire way, an elevated feeling flowing through the car. Carmen sits in the front seat next to Niall, while Zayn and I sit in the back. His eyes keep meeting mine, both of us smiling and blushing each time they do. Eventually, he reaches out and takes my hand in his, holding it in his lap as he traces circles on my palm.

We get to the club, and Jonesy lets the boys in with us.

"Hey Kid!" he shouts at me, and I turn to look at him.

"Congrats on the competition!" and he holds his hand up in a high five. I high five him back with a big grin on my face before going inside.

I wave hello at Brody and then approach Louis at the bar.

"First off, congratu-fucking-lations!" he says hugging me, before pulling away. "Secondly, fuck you for not inviting me!"

He starts prodding my shoulder jokingly, teasing me.

"I'm sorry! I'll invite you to the next one."

Carmen and I head into the staff room to get ready, leaving the boys to hang out with Louis at the bar. As we walk into the back room, I hear a champagne bottle top pop off.

"There she is!" Nicole says.

Angela holds out glasses and they begin pouring one for each of us.

"You guys got me champagne?" I ask incredulously.

"Hell no! I'm broke as hell! It was sitting on the table when I came in."

I look over at the makeup table and there's a card on it. I pick it up and open it.


You're a star.


I tuck the note back into the card, putting it into my locker. I down the rest of my champagne and finish getting ready quickly. When I emerge from the back with Carmen, I feel Zayn's eyes on me. I remember our kiss in the elevator and I touch my lips briefly at the memory. It was a hot kiss. Probably the best kiss of my life and yet I can't stop thinking about someone else's lips and wondering what they would feel like.

The high that I had carried into the building tonight is extinguished as I think over whether it was a mistake to kiss Zayn today. It was impulsive and heated but did I really mean it? Did he think we were in a relationship now? I don't know if that's what I want. My only focus right now is qualifying for Worlds. I don't have time for a boyfriend. I spend all night worrying about it. Carmen and the other girls drink so much in celebration of me that they don't even notice my mood. I'm grateful for it though because it means I don't have to discuss it with them. When it's time to leave at close, I watch Niall grab Carmen's hand and they head out the front door together.

"Isn't that our ride?" I say to Zayn.

"He left us his keys," he says, holding them up.

"You're okay to drive?"

"Nope," he says popping the 'p'. "But I know you are."

He hands me the keys and we walk outside and it's only now that I notice how drunk he is. I'm not sure how I was so oblivious to it before. I help him get into Niall's car and then get in the driver's seat. I begin driving toward's his apartment but he notices.

"No, Niall will be there with Carmen. Can I stay at your place?"

"Sure," I say, and hope that my nervousness doesn't show in my voice.

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