Chapter 47

152 18 45

3rd Person POV

Harry and CiCi leave the studio and head to his house for a nap, until Harry remembers he has a few students scheduled for coaching in an hour. He leaves CiCi tucked into his bed and heads back to his studio. He finds a newfound enthusiasm for what he's doing and pushes his students both creatively and technically. It's the best they've ever danced and he watches them smile happily at each other, realizing it themselves. Maybe CiCi isn't the only one good at making people grow.

When he comes back to his apartment, CiCi is awake and eating at his kitchen table. The last time he lived with a woman it made him feel suffocated. He would find any reason to leave the house to get some space. But seeing CiCi making herself at home in his apartment fills him with excitement for the future; the hope that someday she would want to live with him.

"Hey, I hope it's okay that I made dinner?"

"Of course," he says leaning down to kiss her.

"I have to get home to get ready for work but I left you a plate. It's staying warm in the oven," she says standing and putting her plate in the dishwasher.

"Wait for me to eat and I can drive you," he offers.

"No, it's okay. I'm happy to walk. Plus, Carmen texted me and wants some girl time before work," she says smiling at him.

She grabs her bag, putting on her shoes and he walks towards her with his arms out. She steps towards him but gasps when his hands go under her arms and he lifts her easily into the air. His mouth stretches into a grin when her legs wrap around him and his hands move to under her butt to hold her up.

"I'll see you in a bit, darling," he says before he gives her a quick kiss, pulling back to look at her.

"Are you always going to manhandle me like this?" she asks, smiling at him.

"Should I stop?" he asks back, removing his hands to put her back on the ground. But CiCi clings to him like a koala, not allowing him to put her down. He laughs at her tenacity, wrapping his arms back around her and pushing her into the wall, his mouth on hers. The minute her back hits the wall, the goosebumps spread down her arms and her stomach fills with butterflies.

Their kiss deepens but then Harry is trailing his mouth down her chest, and his hands shift under her legs until he is pressing her up, lifting her body up against the wall. He lifts her until her heat is parallel to his mouth and begins kissing harshly the outside of her tight black shorts. Her hands go to his hair for balance, and she is grateful for the tall ceilings in his apartment or her head would be hitting the ceiling. He nuzzles his face into her clothed clit and she moans out, pulling on his long hair as she does.

But just as fast as it started, Harry begins lowering her back down until her feet are on the floor again.

"No more manhandling. Got it," he says with a smirk, loving the fact that she seems completely turned on by him being able to put her in all these positions.

"What a tease," she says out loud but internally she is still trying to recover from what just happened. She's dated muscular guys before but never any who could show her how strong they were at the same time as showing her how gentle and attentive they could be. She has always been confident of Harry's attraction to her which has been a vast change from her previous experiences with Zayn. But Harry's never been shy about how he feels about her and that level of forwardness is immensely attractive to her. It makes her feel sure about him and sure about herself. With Harry loving her she feels she could accomplish anything.

And Harry feels it too, that all this staying still that he's done for five years is finished. Forward is the only place he can move with her by his side. She's catapulting him into something great. He knows it. He can feel it. Last week he had the contractors come in and take all the preliminary measurements for transforming the club. They've been prebuilding most of the new stages off site to limit disruption of the club. Liam's ordered all the new high end alcohol, and the tables and chairs. He's had a graphic designer put together new menus and contacted the city about business permits. New uniforms have been ordered for all the staff, black trousers and black dress shirts for everyone. And the biggest step was Harry went out and hired three male ballroom dancers, one to dance with each girl: Carmen, Nicole and Angela.

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