Chapter 58

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"What do you mean he was your student?"

"Four years ago, when I opened my studio, him and his partner were my first students."

"What made you stop coaching him?"

"They were the only adult partners I coached. It wasn't a good fit. I switched to youth after that."

"Why?" I push him, hoping he'll be honest with me for once.

He sighs, running his hands through his hair. I can tell he is reluctant to say it but is cognizant of holding things back from me; it hasn't worked out for him in the past. He surprises me by how much he reveals.

"I slept with his partner."


"She was older than him. He was 19, she was 21. I'd been in New York for about a year and I was still really fucked up from my last relationship. I was drinking lots and having meaningless sex. I wasn't thinking."

"What happened?"

"He found out and confronted me. I was an asshole about it. They had been together for six months and it completely ruined both their relationship and partnership. I switched to youth after that and cut back on drinking."

"And the meaningless sex?" I ask because I can't help myself.

"I hadn't had sex for a year when I met you. You are the only girlfriend I've had since moving here."

Carmen walks up to us then, and touches my shoulder.

"Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah," I say to her. "I'll see you tomorrow, Harry."

"Wait! Who did you choose?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I want to sleep on it."

The following morning I am a bit stressed as I run through my last practice with my kids before their competition tomorrow. I make sure all the parents have the kids' costumes ready to go and know what time to meet at the event.

I rush to get on the train and get to the studio to meet Zayn and Harry. I'm surprised to find only Harry there.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask, as I put my dance shoes on.

He shrugs his shoulders at me and then sits down with me to stretch.

"How was class with your kids? Are they excited about tomorrow?"

I'm shocked he remembers and my face must reflect that because he laughs, his dimple peeking out from behind his beard.

"Don't look so surprised. I listen, especially when it's you talking," he says.

I unsuccessfully try to hide a smile from creeping onto my face but Harry catches it, smiling back at me.

"Class was hectic, trying to get them all organized for tomorrow. Hopefully they all remember their steps. There's usually one kid that forgets to move as soon as they're on stage," I say chuckling.

Harry laughs too.

"That happened to my entire class when I was younger. It was our first time performing on a big stage with a crowd and a spotlight. Ten dancers frozen. I thought it was my time to shine and stepped out front and did the routine by myself to big cheers."

"Of course you did," I say, admiring how big his smile got when he told the story. "I'm sure the crowd loved you."

"I loved the crowd. You know what it's like. That energy they have that makes it feel like an out of body experience."

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