Chapter 43

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Tuesday's training might have been worse than Monday's. Now that I knew Harry wanted nothing to do with me, my dancing was led with resentment and anger. We worked on our Cha Cha Cha today and I executed it perfectly each time and Zayn could barely keep up with me.

When we stopped for a break to eat lunch, I took off my shoes and packed my bag.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks me, wiping at his brow with a towel as Harry pauses halfway to his office door to look back at me.

"I think I'm done for today. I could do this routine in my sleep but you're welcome to stay longer and practice with him if you want."

I lean down and kiss Zayn on the cheek before turning and walking out the door, leaving them both open mouthed and staring after me.

When I arrive back to my apartment, Carmen is surprised to see me. She looks at the time on her phone and then at me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at training?"

"I finished early today," I say, throwing my bag in my room and going into the kitchen. I open the fridge door and pull out the makings of lunch.

"You want me to make you something?" I ask her.

"Sure," she says, coming into the kitchen and sitting herself on the counter to watch me work. "Are you excited for Saturday?"

"Yeah," I say in monotone and continue cutting vegetables for our salad.

"Geez, don't sound so enthusiastic," she teases me. "What's up? Are you nervous?"

"No. I haven't really even thought about it much," I admit to her and myself. I've been too focused on Harry if I'm being honest.

"Then why the sour mood? Are you still fighting with Harry?"

Our door buzzer goes at that moment and Carmen jumps off the counter to answer it.


"Hey, it's me. CiCi forgot her jacket. Can I bring it up?" Zayn asks.

"Sure," she says and buzzes him up.

When she turns around to look at me, I'm shaking my head at her and then groaning because she didn't see me before saying yes to him.

"Oh shit, do you not want to see him?"

"It's fine. Just think up an excuse if it takes more than five minutes, okay?"

"I got you," she says winking at me conspiratorially.

When I hear the knock, I leave Carmen in the kitchen to chop veggies and I go to answer it. I open the door and I feel myself suck in a breath at who's behind it. I attempt to slam the door and a large foot blocks the path, preventing me from closing it all the way.

"What do you want?" I whisper-hiss at him, trying not to draw Carmen's attention.

"I got something to say and you need to hear it."

"How the hell did you manage to convince Zayn to help you with this?!"

"Because he agrees with me," Harry says firmly.

I stop trying to close the door on his foot and instead step out into the hall with him.

"I'll be five minutes, Carm!" I shout towards her, before closing the door.

He stands too close to me in the hallway and I wish I didn't have a door behind me so I could back up.

"Talk," I say, annoyed already.

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