Chapter 86

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"Welcome everyone to the World Championship of Dance!" the MC says into the microphone as she stands at the podium on stage. The crowd claps loudly in response but Harry can't concentrate on anything but CiCi as she holds his hand openly at the table they sit at together. He has so many questions for her.

What did you talk to Martina about?
What happened with Adrian?
What's going to happen with us?

But he knows questions aren't what she needs right now from him. She needs answers and a whole lot of truth. He's anxious to give that to her. If it were up to him, they would go back to the suite right now to talk but he doesn't want to take away any part of this experience from her. She deserves all the admiring glances. The excited whispers of she's back! He could do without the lingering glances from those that appreciate her for things other than her dancing, but he can't seem to complain because she won't let go of his hand.

As they eat dinner, the rest of the dancers at the table strike up a lively conversation with her. Some of them compete in different divisions but they all have seemed to have heard about Ciro's dancing. They praise her for her performance at New York's and then the question he expected comes.

"Where's your partner, Zayn?"

CiCi smiles politely before answering.

"Zayn got injured so Harry is my partner," she says turning her head towards him and smiling warmly. She has to keep up the idea that Zayn is too injured to dance or else Harry wouldn't be able to take his place.

"Wait a minute! You look really familiar!" one of the young men says. "What's your last name?"

"Styles," CiCi supplies, beaming at Harry. "Harry Styles. But he used to dance as Edward Styles."

"Holy shit! It is you! You're my fucking hero, man!" the words come out excited and hurried, then he realizes how much he cursed and covers his mouth. Harry laughs easily at his glee at meeting him. It's been awhile since he's been recognized but the short hair certainly helps. He knows the beard will be next to go tonight, in order to maintain the clean cut appearance that the judge's like. CiCi watches him scratch at his beard thoughtfully.

"Don't even think about it," she whispers to him. "I love the beard."

"But the competition," he explains. "They prefer fresh shaven."

"No more than a trim," she negotiates.

"Sunshine," his tone is warning. It says don't ask me for things I want to give you but can't.

"But I'll miss it. Just like your hair," and now it's her leaning over and playing with his scruff before running a hand through his shorter hair.

"I don't know if you know this," he says in a conspiratorial whisper, "but hair grows back."

She pushes at his shoulder in jest, muttering cheeky boy back to him. The air between them is different. All of that angst that CiCi was feeling is gone, because CiCi believes Harry didn't know about the bribing. That he would have never participated in it had he known. All those times he told her that not telling her his secret was better, she believes him. If she hadn't braced herself for the past few weeks for the impact of this discovery, then she would have crumbled. But this summer has made her steely. Hardened her in ways that she didn't even realize until now because she feels a softness again. And she doesn't need to wait until after the competition to be with Harry. She can be with him right now.

"H?" her voice drops into a sexy octave. "Can we get out of here?"

His eyes search hers and sees the meaning immediately. Like an air traffic controller directing him to land right here. He nods in response, standing and taking her hand in his. They hurriedly make their way to the exit but are stopped along the way by a man in a suit.

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