Chapter 66

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Zayn's POV

As I walk up the stairs to Harry's studio, I hope that missing training yesterday was worth it. Harry asked if he could tell CiCi that I got called to work so he could work with her one on one. I hoped that everything we were doing behind CiCi's back was going to be appreciated later on and not get us killed.

I see Harry when I open the door, and I nod at him in greeting.

"So, how'd it go?" I ask.

"We got in a fight and she left."

"What?! Why didn't you text me that yesterday?!"

"No, mate, it's cool. I promise. I kind of think it was good for us. I didn't mean to make her that upset but I think I got my point across in the end."

"And the dance?"

"Better than I anticipated. I wish you could see her when she gets like that. She just...let's it all in. Feels every step," he tells me with this faraway look in his eyes as he remembers. I've seen her lose herself with him before and he's right. It's mesmerizing. It makes me wish that he had looked for her five years ago when he got to New York instead of wallowing in self-loathing.

We hear footsteps on the stairs and we quiet knowing it's CiCi. She enters the room and smiles at the two of us before sitting down to change her shoes. Her and I warm up for a bit and stretch before moving to the center of the room.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask Harry.

"We have a Jive, a Paso Doble, and a Samba. CiCi and I worked on a Rumba yesterday. We still need a Cha Cha."

There's a moment of silence while we all look at each other. I wait for Harry to talk but I'm surprised when it's CiCi who does.

"I've been working on something."

"You have?" I say shocked. She never worked on stuff much on her own before; we always workshopped all our dances together.

"I don't know if it's any good," she says hesitantly.

She connects her phone to the speaker and cues up her song.

"It'll make sense with the music," she says tentatively.

"Do you want me to dance with you so Zayn can see it as a judge would?" Harry offers.

I know exactly what he's doing. He knows she'll dance it differently with him than me. She'll showcase the routine better.

CiCi agrees and she instructs him on where she wants him to stand and how she envisions the first few steps. I press play on the music when she gives me the ready signal. The two of them begin, with Harry being a second behind her because he is only anticipating what she wants from him. Other than this slight synchronicity issue, the two of them perform it wonderfully. It's a more modern take with fresh music and it makes all of it seem more eye catching. That you can't quite anticipate their next steps so you keep watching; glued to the story they're portraying for you.

I step in now, and CiCi and I begin breaking down the routine section by section. We work through any rough parts, improving the flow. We also increase the difficulty in areas that allow for that, always being aware of the technical aspect of the dance. We break for lunch and come back and I sit with CiCi while we eat.

"How are things going with your girl?" she asks me, taking a bite of her food. I can tell she is asking because she is genuinely interested and not because she is jealous or unhappy for me. I'm glad because I really like this new girl.

"Really well. We've been hanging out a lot. I met a few of her friends the other day. That was intimidating."

"Were they nice to you? Do I have to go rough up some people?" she kids.

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