Chapter 37

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I tell Carmen that Harry asked me to come early to discuss new dance routines and she gave me knowing eyes and smirked at me. Apparently I'm a bad liar. She didn't give me too much of a rough time and told me she would see me soon.

When I get to the club, Jonesy is already out front, minding the line and greets me enthusiastically.

"Is it show up to work early day or what? First Harry and now you."

I try to hide my blush as I walk past him and inside. Louis's already getting things ready behind the bar and so are the other bartenders. I try to sneak past him but he spots me.

"Hey, hey, hey! Not a chance. Get back here," he teases me.

I turn around and walk back to him with a guilty look on my face.

"Soo? You ask me for advice but then don't give me any updates. I take it you showing up here thirty minutes early means I need to chat with Harry about treating you right?"

"You wouldn't," I say but worry is written on my face.

"Of course I would! Consider me your big brother!" he says laughing and jostling my shoulder roughly. I half expect him to put me in a head lock.

"I already have three of those! I don't need another one. Can you settle for really great friend?!"

"Only if that means I can still cheer embarrassingly loudly at your competition?"

"I would expect nothing less," I say to him smiling, getting past him now to go in the staff room.

I get changed quickly into my college outfit for tonight. I figure if I wait until after I go see Harry, I'll end up being late, racing to get ready. As I'm putting my bag in my locker, there is a soft knock on the door.

"Come in."

First comes the curly long hair, followed by the green eyes and then his tall, muscular body is in the room. His familiar scent of sandalwood and vanilla wafts towards me and I'm immediately taken back to yesterday at his apartment with him.

"What are you doing?" he questions me like he is annoyed with me.

"What?" I'm confused by his question.

"I saw you come in ten minutes ago. Spent too long talking to Louis and then you came in here and not to my office," he whines at me, and I realize he's not annoyed, he's pouting.

"Aww, does the big strong man miss me?" I tease him, as I walk towards him putting my arms around his neck. His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him and his mouth is immediately on mine in a hard kiss. He pulls away quicker than I would have guessed but then tugs me close. He puts his head into my hair and inhales letting out a low hum.

"I had to watch you dance all day with somebody else. Then you leave me at the studio with no kiss goodbye. And tease me on the phone. Leaving me waiting in my office for you, barely able to sit at my desk," he breathes the last sentence into my ear, making me shiver.

There's another knock on the door and I jump back from him but he keeps his hold on me, kissing me once more before pulling away. He steps towards the door, opening it and reveals Liam.

"Oh good, you're both here. I spoke with a few contractors and some rental places about tables and chairs. We may need to get different liability insurance if there are lessons but other than that it looks pretty feasible and not too much overhead."

I look to Harry for clarification on what Liam is talking about. He looks slightly nervous but he smiles at me so I feel calm about what he's going to tell me.

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