Chapter 71

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After showering quickly at home, and Harry being forced to make small talk with Carmen, I insist on us walking with her, rather than making her walk alone. Harry leaves his two-seater car and walks with us, and I watch Carmen look us up and down as we hold hands.

"Wait, wait, wait! Are y'all back together?"

Harry and I look at each other, smiling from ear to ear before looking back at her and I nod my head.

"Ahhh! I'm so happy for you both! It's about damn time!" she says, hugging us simultaneously. I watch Harry roll his eyes but a pink tinge colors his cheeks.

Inside the club, there's no one but dancers here as we do our last night of rehearsals before our soft opening tomorrow night. When I see Adrian, his eyes immediately drift down to Harry and I's hands and then up at me with a raised eyebrow. I nod hello at him before telling him I'll be right back. I pull Harry down the hallway to his office.

"What?" he asks, immediately sensing the worry in my features.

"You weren't here yesterday so you didn't see our final choreography," I jump right in, not wasting time. "I just want you to know that we purposefully made it extra...uh..." I struggle to find the right word, "eye catching so that people would come back to watch us."

"Okay?" he says, confusion on his face.

"I don't want you to think I have feelings for him or anything happened between us because of the dance. But I wanted to prepare you before you saw it for the first time."

"Sunny, I trust you," he says, reaching out for my hand. "If you tell me, it's just a dance then I believe you."


"Of course," he tugs me towards him for a hug.

"And if you hate it, I can change the dance. Just say the word," I hurry out the words, nervously.

"Baby, I'm sure it's fine."

"Okay," I agree with him, hesitation still in my voice as I give him a long kiss before leaving to join the others.

I don't see Harry for the first couple hours as we run through the routines. Adrian and I spend a lot of it helping the other dancers perfect their dances. When we finally get to rehearsing by ourselves, Adrian doesn't waste a second with his prying questions.

"Are you still going to tell me you two aren't together?"

"I don't really know if that's any of your business," I say but soften my words with a big grin like I'm teasing him.

"I'm wounded. I thought we were friends?" he teases back effortlessly, like the words were planned.

"I thought we were coworkers," I say stone faced, and he retaliates by spinning me extra fast and stopping me abruptly, my head feeling dizzy from the speed.

"I sure hope Harry likes that sassy mouth of yours," he responds back, laughing.

I hold myself back from telling him how much Harry enjoys my mouth, though the words are on the tip of my tongue.

We all take a break, and then Liam comes out to discuss going through it once as a dress rehearsal. He brings out the outfits that were custom ordered for everyone and we all get changed, the girls using the staff room and the boys using Liam's office. We head back out and I see Harry waiting with Liam, seated at a table in front of the stage.

Angela and her partner step to the stage. Their music starts and I watch as they perform their dance. At my advice they stayed simple, better to look perfect with a simple routine than sloppy with a difficult one. They have a few easy lifts in that amplify the 'wow factor' and they perform it beautifully.

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