Chapter 32

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Zayn's POV

On Tuesday, I'm parking my car on the street and I see CiCi walking down the street with her headphones on. She hasn't noticed me and part of me thinks of just letting her walk on past. But I watch as her she closes her eyes and nods her head to the song she is listening to, mouthing the words and it's just so characteristically CiCi that it makes me smile. I can't give up on this girl. I need to fight harder for her.

I get out and lean against my car, waiting for her to get closer. She looks up when she's about ten feet away and stops walking immediately when she sees me. Our eyes lock, and I smile gently at her. She reaches up to take out her headphones, giving me a timid smile back.

"Hey, about yesterday--" I start "--so, you took him to dinner, no big deal. He lived in Italy. He has no family here. You were just being nice, right?"

"Right," she says cautiously. 

"I like that you're nice and you're generous. I can't be mad when you're nice and generous to someone just because they're not me."

"Okay," she says, letting me talk.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm sorry I doubted you. You've never given me a reason to."

She doesn't say anything, she has shock written all over her face.

"Can we go inside and forget about yesterday?" I say reaching out my hand towards her.

"Zayn..." she starts to speak but the building doors burst open and the blaring sound of a fire alarm leaks out onto the street. Several people, come out of the building, making small groups on the sidewalk. I see Harry's large brooding figure come out and walk towards us.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"The fire alarm has been going off all morning. They can't seem to figure out what's triggering it," he says.

"So, no practice?"

"I don't see how we can," he responds.

I turn and look at CiCi and she is looking up at the building as if she's hoping the sound stops by her staring at it.

"I guess, we'll see you tomorrow," I say to him. I notice he glances over at CiCi but she avoids his gaze so he turns around and walks back towards the building.

"Looks like we have the day off. What do you want to do?"

"You want to hang out?" she asks like she's surprised I would want to spend time with her. I laugh at her silliness.

"Yeah, of course," I chuckle more.

I grab her hand and pull her towards my car.

"I have an idea. Get in."

She opens the door and gets in her side while I get in mine. She looks up once more at the building and stares for a second before she looks at me.

"I have an idea," I say with a smile.

It's a slightly overcast day but still feels muggy and hot. We put all the windows down and I turn the music up loud. CiCi looks out the window, her dark hair blowing around her. I'm not a big talker and neither is CiCi so we sink into our comfortable silence. The smell of the ocean and carnival food hits us as we pull into the parking lot.

"You took me to Coney Island?" she asks.

"Yeah, remember when we used to come here all the time in the summer?"

She nods, looking around at all the rides. She must be in shock because she doesn't seem excited but I know she loves this place.

"Come on," I say, grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

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