Chapter 70

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I arrive thirty minutes early for Friday morning training and I'm met by a locked door. It seems I've even beat Harry here. I sit on the stairs and wait for him to come up. I feel more nervous than I've ever felt before seeing him. More than that first dance lesson we had together.

When I hear the lower exterior door open and close and his footsteps on the stairs, I begin to get nervous. He rounds the last portion and then looks up and sees me sitting there. He stops moving for only a few seconds, his face impassive, and then walks past me, muttering good morning as he passes.

I stand up and follow him into the studio when he unlocks the door. He heads straight for his office.

"Harry, wait!"

He stops and turns only his head to look at me.

"I brought you an 'I'm sorry' present."

He turns fully around but doesn't make a move to walk towards me, forcing me to walk the full way to him. I hand him the coffee cup in my hand. I made sure to get it from his favorite place, a few blocks away from here. Black like he likes it. He takes it from me and I know he is thinking about saying 'that's it'. But then, I pull out a bag with his favorite carrot muffin from a different bakery that's a fifteen minute walk away in the opposite direction of the coffee place. A hint of a smile appears on his face, though I can tell he is trying to stay stoic.

I reach into my bag and pull out a small wrapped gift and hand it to him. His eyebrows lift in confusion and he sets down the coffee and the muffin so he can use both hands to open it. He pulls out a framed picture of me holding the trophy at the kid's dance competition. He had sent it to me after and I got it printed and bought the frame.

"What's this for?"

"You believed in me, Harry, so I believed in me. You have never once allowed me to doubt my talent or let me question whether I deserved to win Worlds. You have been this soundtrack in my ear that I hear throughout my day even when you're not around. Encouraging me when I want to quit. Making me push myself when I'm not working hard enough. I've accepted that I was placed on this earth to dance and I never would have done that out without you. That picture is a reminder to work for the things you care about.

"And I care about you, Harry. I'm sorry I haven't been showing you or telling you that. I don't want to date Adrian. I don't want to date anyone else. You're the only one."

He looks me in the eyes, and I can see the tenseness in shoulders ease. He looks away from me and down at the picture. The whole sequence lasts only seconds but the worry creeps into me that I didn't do enough. That I waited too long. That he's moved on and he's over me. The sun has set on us.

But then I watch as a slow smile creeps on his lips.

"You're going to have to start lifting weights because the trophy for Worlds is MUCH bigger than this one," he says with a grin.

I step towards him tentatively and my hand goes up to his face and then drops, unsure of where our boundaries are. Can I touch him? Does he want me to? Is that too much?

The thoughts had barely entered my brain when Harry, as if hearing it, closes the distance between us and kisses me. It feels like he's given me air. Any doubt I had about letting him in again completely vanishes. I feel whole again.

He pulls away but keeps his hands on my face, kissing my forehead, each of my cheeks, my nose and then my lips again softly. It's as if he has been waiting to get to kiss every inch of me again.

"If you keep letting me kiss you like this, I'm not going to be able to wait until after Worlds," he says as he continues kissing my face and neck.

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