Chapter 28

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DOUBLE UPDATE! Make sure you read Chapter 27 first :)

My alarm goes off waking me from my sleep and I stretch my arms and legs out, it's only then do I realize I'm not alone and I'm not in my bed. I look at the tattooed arm wrapped around my middle and then around the room, and I remember that I'm at Harry's place. I reach over to make the sound stop, Harry grabbing my waist and pulling me back to him when I do.

"Five more minutes," he mumbles out, his mouth pressed against my clothed shoulder.

"I got to go. I have to go to my apartment before I go to work today," I say, attempting to get out of bed. His grip tightens around me.

"Sunny, you're so warm though. Let's just stay in bed. Take a sick day."

I smirk at his response, pulling his arms off me and quickly sliding out of bed while he grumbles behind me. I walk past him and into the bathroom, and he peaks an eye open at me and attempts to grab me again. I scoot past him quickly, giggling as I do and swatting at him. I think about taking that sick day as just before I shut the door, I watch him, with no shirt and gym shorts, sit up in bed and run his hand down his face as he yawns. Makes me want to jump right back into bed for the rest of the night, but I hold back my impulses.

After brushing my teeth and going pee, I get changed back into my clothes from yesterday and come back out of the bathroom. Harry stands from the bed, shirtless wearing just black shorts, putting his hands on my waist as he squeezes past me into the bathroom. I pack my bag, gathering all my belongings before walking out to his living room. I put my shoes on, just as Harry comes out.

"Thanks for letting me nap here. I'll see you at work later," I say to him.

He rolls his eyes at me as he puts on his shoes and grabs his keys, wallet and phone.

"You don't give me enough credit, Sunshine. Have I behaved in a way that would make you think that I wouldn't give you a ride home?"

When I don't answer him, he speaks again.

"What kind of shitty guys were you hanging out with before me? Raise the bar a little bit, darling. Men should be on their knees for your attention."

He grabs my bag from me and we head out the door to the elevator and down to his parking garage. We get into his car and make the short drive to my place. He puts the car in park and before he has a chance to cut the engine, I lean over and kiss him, surprising him. His hand goes up to my cheek, kissing me back, before I pull away.

"I'll see you at work," I say, as I step out of the car.

"Let me walk you up," he shouts out the door at me.

"Bye Harry," I say back, hurrying away from the car.

I appreciate all his chivalrous manners, but I just can't handle the sexual tension it builds between us. I know I have to talk to Zayn before I go any further with Harry. He deserves to know what's going on between him and I. I just don't know how our dancing partnership is going to work after I say it.

I enter my apartment and Carmen and Niall are sitting on the couch, eating dinner and watching television.

"There she is," Niall says. "Everyone's been looking for you."

"Oh really? I haven't checked my phone today," which is partially true. When I set my alarm earlier, I noticed I had a few missed calls and some texts but I decided to look later.

"Where've you been?"

"Out," I say back vaguely, as I walk past them towards my bedroom. I see Carmen give me a look that says she knows exactly who I was with.

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