Chapter 49

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I wake up the morning of the competition not feeling any of the usual anxiety I feel on competition days. I am so ready to prove to myself and everyone else that I'm a World Class ballroom dancer. I roll to the side and notice Harry isn't there. I stand up, pulling on a robe from the hotel and go looking for him. He isn't in the lounge area of the room or the bathroom and I start to panic wondering where he is.

He probably went to get you breakfast, I think trying to calm myself down. But when I think about it more, he would have never left without a note. I call his phone and it just rings so I hang up and send him a text.

C: Where'd you go? xx

An hour later, he's still not back and now I'm stressing worse than I would for a normal competition. My phone rings and I look to see who it is but I'm disappointed when I see Zayn's name.

"Hey, I'm here! What's the room number?"

When he knocks on the room door a few minutes later, I have to stop my frantic pacing of the room.

"Today's the day! I signed us in downstairs and got our times," Zayn says excitedly to me before pausing when he notices I'm in a white robe. "Whoa, did you sleep here?"

I smile back in response, nodding my head, and he comes in bringing his garment bags and hanging them up in the closet. Before I have a chance to say anything to him, my phone is ringing again. I'm disappointed when it's the hair and make-up artist and I let her know the room number too.

"You nervous?" Zayn asks.

"Not really," I say back because I'm not nervous about the dancing. I'm anxious about why Harry has gone missing. I can't tell Zayn any of this of course; it would be uncomfortable to tell him that I slept here in this room with Harry last night.

Zayn lounges on the sofa watching TV while I get ready. It takes nearly two hours and I stand up to put on my first dress and notice that Zayn has got himself in his first outfit too. He sits down in the chair that I vacated and she styles his hair as well as puts on some powder to keep the shine down on his face. We both got spray tans to be ready for today and I realize how much he must hate doing that but he's done it all these years for me.

"Shouldn't Harry be here by now?" Zayn says. "I thought we would run through our routines for him."

"I haven't heard from him today," I say, which isn't a total lie but I still squirm under his gaze.

"I'm going to call him," Zayn says.

Thirty seconds goes by and I watch as he pulls his phone away from his ear without talking.

"Voicemail. Weird," he looks at his phone and then up at me. "You ready?"

I nod back and he reaches out his hand for me. I take it and we begin making our way down to the ballroom. It takes a second to orient ourselves to the setup and it's about twenty minutes until our first heat. We do the Jive first and I'm glad because I'm the least nervous about this one. Him and I stretch and then practice for a little bit before joining our grouping. I look at the crowd and see all of our friends and family. It's the biggest number of supporters we've ever had. I scan their faces hoping to see Harry but I don't see him anywhere.

Where could he be?

I'm pulled away from my searching when Zayn starts shaking my arms, our usual tradition, and I give him a nervous smile.

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