Chapter 10

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I'm a anxious mess through my entire 11am ballet class on Friday. I manage to hide it well enough from the preschoolers and when they leave thirty minutes later I run to the bathroom to splash water on my face and calm my nerves.

I'd always had the suspicion that he had been a professional dancer at some point. There were enough signs that pointed to it. But then it became clear after he whirled me around this studio last week. Since then I've found myself thinking about him constantly. To have him suggest that he's going to become the teacher and me the student makes me wonder how skilled he actually is if he thinks he can teach me something.

I'm stretching my legs out when he pokes his head in the room after knocking. His hair is already up in a bun and this time he is wearing black dress pants and a olive green short-sleeved button up that matches his eyes.

"Hey Sunshine," he says, giving me a big smile, clearly not nervous like me.

"Hey," I respond back, continuing to stretch.

I watch him change into his dance shoes, lacing them up carefully. He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth with his teeth and I can't help but stare as he concentrates on his task. I switch positions into a pigeon pose, my left leg extended behind me with my right leg folded across my front and I lean forward stretching my hip. I switch and do the other side and as I lean forward he sits beside me, beginning to stretch too.

"Your hips, are they always tight?"

"I injured one a few years ago."

"Have you tried frog pose or happy baby pose?"

"You do yoga?" I ask skeptically.

"Yes, why is that so surprising?! I get really tight hamstrings and it helps. Here, let me show you."

He moves into frog pose, on his hands and knees. He spreads his knees wide but starts pushing out his feet wider than his hips. I mimic him, stretching beside him and he sits up to kneel beside me, watching.

"Push out as far as your body will allow," he says, putting his hand gently on my back. I was longing for him to touch me and now that he did I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Breathe into the stretch," he says quietly, as if noticing that I had stopped. I breathe deeply, in and out, his hand rising and falling on my back with my breath.

"Now try this," he says. "It feels silly but it works."

He lies on his back, bending his knees and grabbing his feet, like a baby playing with their toes. It instantly makes me giggle, and his eyes drift over to me at the sound.

"Stop laughing and lie down," he says scoldingly to me through a smile.

I do as he tells me and I lie on my back next to him, both of us looking like turtles who are stuck on their shells. I can't help but giggle again at how silly we look and he turns his head to look at me and I get a glimpse of his dimple.

"Okay, now cross this leg," he says, tapping my left thigh. "On top of this leg, and reach through and pull back on your hamstring."

I'm still on my back with my left leg crossed over the top of my right leg. I've reached one arm through the space between my legs and the other hand is wrapped around the outside of my right leg. I pull back gently with both hands on my hamstring, feeling the stretch. He kneels again beside me, watching my position and I feel the mood switch, as I realize I'm laying on my back with my legs in the air in front of this handsome man.

"May I?" he asks, gesturing to me and I nod at him because I don't trust my voice.

He moves right in front of me, putting his hands on my hamstring. He pushes gently and his eyes lift when he notices how flexible I am. I instinctively point my toe, a dancer's habit, when he pushes it closer to my head.

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