Bill Cipher X Reader

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"-No." You shook your head, "This needs to stop-" The shattering of glass stopped you both as you turned to your daughter who sat staring at the floor where the shattered glass and apple juice puddle laid. Your eyes narrowed, "Serendipity Pines."

"It wasn't me!" She quickly cried, "It was Bill. Please believe me, Mama." Your mouth flew open in disbelief, and you held your hand out accusingly as you gaped at your husband. He ran a hair through his curls in thought before nodding.

"Go to your room. I'll wrap this sandwich up for you for later."

Your lips curved into a soft smile and you sent him a thank you before following your crying daughter to her room. As she sat on her bed and you dried her tears, she kept glancing to something over by her closet, before speaking. "Bill wanted me to tell you he's sorry. He said he hates when he makes you mad."

You face twitched slightly but you only said, "Time out. I'll call you down for lunch," before leaving the room.


"It's very common for kids to have imaginary friends." You sat at an office table, your husband next to you and a therapist across from you both. "It could be loneliness. You did recently begin working on getting a job, is that correct, Mrs Pines?"

You shook your head, "Yes, but I make up the time I'm gone...she had several friends but now none of their parents will even return my calls."

Dr Soos hummed, "But neglect from parents can take a toll on children. I recommend you spend more time with her. Help her forget about this new friend. Take her to parks and help her meet new people."

You let out a laugh before biting down on your lip and looking to Dipper, who nodded. "Sure, yeah, thank you, Sir."

He sent you a smile before looking through a window where your daughter sat in the playroom, coloring on a table and talking to herself in the empty room. You chewed your nails as you observed her and he stood from his seat, "May I go talk to her for a moment."

"Of course," Dipper gestured a hand to Serendipity before you both watched him leave the room.

"Hey there, little one." Dr Soos beamed, kneeling next to your daughter, "What are you drawing?"

She slowly looked up at him, sending him a judgmental gaze before turning her paper, "I'm drawing a picture of me and Bill and mommy."

In the illustration there were two stick figures that clearly represented you and Serendipity, and then a tall, darkly shaded figure with yellow eyes and yellow curly hair, all holding hands. Soos narrowed his eyes as he pointed to the fourth figure in the corner with a puddle of red under it. "And who is this?"

"Oh, Bill drew that one. That's daddy." She shifted in her seat awkwardly, "Bill doesn't like him."


"What do we do, Dipper?" You said once you had tucked in Serendipity and you now sat in bed, your back to the headboard. "I'm home almost every single day besides the few hours a week I'm trying to get my classes in."

Dipper rubbed his face as he exited the bathroom before putting on his glasses, "I don't know, Love." He said truthfully, "I-" He was cut off by a loud bang coming from upstairs followed by giggling. You snorted, shaking your head. "I got it."

You let him leave the room before sighing and getting under the covers, turning off your lamp so the only light was coming from the bathroom. You heard foot steps make their way to Dippers side of the bed before the mattress dipped and an arm wrapped around you. "What was the matter?" You didn't get a response, but a few seconds later felt kissed being placed on your shoulders and up your neck. "What was up with Seren?" You hummed, cuddling into the hold. There was still no response. "Dipper?" The hand around you slowly moved to your inner thigh, and before you could call out to your husband again you felt a warm breath on your ear.

"I'm not Dipper."

You flung yourself around, falling off the bed with a scream. You jumped up to lay eyes on the intruder, but there was no one. You stood in shock at the plastic impression on the mattress.

"Honey?" Dipper ran into the room, "Are you alright-"

"-Someone was in here." You said shakily, eyes not leaving the now empty bed, "I felt them and I..." You shook your head, finally meeting Dipper's scared eyes, "I heard them whisper in my ear."

He quickly ran to check the window, closet, bathroom, and under the bed only to sigh. "Are you sure it wasn't just your imagination?" You scowled at his assumption, so he continued. "There's no one here...and I was at the stairs so I would have seen whoever it was leave the room-"

"-Are you saying I'm lying-"

"-All I'm saying..." Dipper said gingerly, "Is maybe you just need some rest." You allowed him to help you into bed before laying into his hold as he turned off the light. As he dozed off into sleep behind you, your eyes would not leave two glowing yellow lights coming from the hallway. You convinced yourself they were just a reflection, but deep down, the thoughts of it being a pair of eyes churned in your stomach.


if anyone's going to/is at texas state university what's up so am i ;)

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