Boy Bi *Natasha

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A/n: Basically this is about coming out and getting with Natasha in the end

Peter p POV
I had a crush on Mj for awhile now and I also started to have a crush on Loki. I came out to Y/n too my older sister and I said that she could tell everyone that I am Bi but she still has isn't told anyone. Peter: Hey can I ask you something? She nods not looking up from her songbook. Peter: What are you working on. She looks at me and says. Y/n: A song for you so I can sing it at the party. Peter: Oh Okay. Y/n: Go get ready dude. I nod and walk to my room and put on a black suit.


As soon as Peter leaves I take a shower and put on my blue suit. I look at myself in the mirror and say. Y/n: You got this. I grab my guitar and walk downstairs. I see Natasha my crush but I see Steve with his arm around her. I feel myself getting angry when I feel and hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Wanda. Wanda was the only one who knew I had a crush on Natasha but she thought I was the Bi one. I take a deep breath and see Peter with Loki. Y/n: That's my cue. Tony was on stage and he was saying. Tony: Hello people thank you for coming tonight we have a special someone preforming a new song. Give it up for Y/N PARKER. I walk on stage and grab the headset type of mic (You know what I mean) Y/n: Hello Tonight I'm going to sing something for my brother Hope you all like it. I start play.

"When my friends ask me 'bout my sexuality I

choke up and joke that the answer's not easy.

Like I'm watching a Disney movie and the

couple gets it on

But who should I look at is it Shang or Mulan?

I like boys and girls but I still don't know why

I couldn't get either one if I really try

I'm switching my preference like an on and off switch

If I had a dime for every crush I've had be rich

Like boy Bi, girl hi

New guy, I'm bi?

I cry every time

I try to decide

I guess you're right I'm bi just without the sexual

I'm too scared to date so I've  just been bi myself

Like I'm watching a Disney movie and I slowly start to sweat

Is it jasmine's dancing or Aladdin's open vest?

Oh it sucks sometimes to be right in the in between

I'm too gay for girl to straight to be a drag queen

I'm just playing, I'm just saying, I'd like to be clear

I don't know what the hell is going on here

I jump down from the stage and walk to Peter and pat his head and keep singing.

And love can be hard

For someone who doesn't know what they want

I'm missing a part

For all of my life got a hole in my heart

And love can be hard

To those who are straight, but

I'm perfectly complete


Like boy bi, girl hi

New guy, I'm bi

I cry every time

I try to decide."

(still your POV)

Once I'm done Singing Peter stands up and says. Peter: I'm BI AND I'M PROUD OF IT. I laugh and and leave the room. I walk to the balcony. Nat: hey. I turn around to see her. Y/n: hey. Nat walks next to me and says. Nat: nice song. Y/n: thanks. Nat grabs me and pulls me into a kiss. I pull away and she says. Nat: I am so sorry I didn't mean t- I cut her off by kissing her. Y/n: I like you too. She blushes and says. Nat: will you be my girlfriend?'Y/n: I'd love to. That's how I got my wife. Thanks little bro :)

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