Chapter 271

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Aaron's POV
I lifted her chin so she faced me. My eyes started to water.
"Baby talk to me"
There was a pause
"Please baby"
She sniffed and tried to stand up but fell to the floor again. I stood up and helped her up. She picked up her phone and gave it to me. I saw all the messages on the screen. Why are people saying this to my baby. What did she do? Nothing. She didnt do anything. I changed her pm to "Aaron on keys" i popped up to all of these people chatting shit and let them know the deal. I told them how they need to stop chatting about my girl like say shes done anything to them. I parr'ed all of them. Like a paragraph each. They said they were sorry and they wont do it again.
"Look baby, they said they wont do it again"
She looked at the screen and wiped her tears.
"Is this the type of things they said to before- like when-"
"I tried to commit suicide? Yh" that's the first thing shes said so far.
I took a deep breath.
"Know why they said it?"
"I feel insecure about my body. Its disgusting. Like i truly think my body is horrible. And my face. Just ugly" she sighed.
I was so surprised about what she was telling me. "Jaydene you're beautiful"
She shook her head as i pulled her in for a hug and she cried on my chest. I held the back of her head. "Your beautiful baby. Do you know how many people will kill for your body?"
She cried harder and i held her tighter.
"Baby you are perfect in my eyes"
She smiled weakly. I took her back into the bathroom. I looked at the razors on the side and it literally broke my heart. I took her arm and put it under the cold water tap. I washed all the blood away. I tear ran down my face.
"Baby you said you would stop"
"Ik im sorry. I feel like such a let down"
"No beautiful, dont feel like that. I just want you to stop. Please" i looked up at her. Her eyes were cherry red.
She took a deep breath "i promise baby" i leaned in and kissed her softly and passionately as our tongues moved about. We pulled away and i stroked her cheek. Im gonna make an effort to call her beautiful atleast twice a day so she can start to believe it and feel good about herself. She yawned. I took her to her closet and stripped her to her underwear.
"Baby your body is beautiful"
She didnt reply.
She had one of my tshirts here. I put her in bed and kissed her forehead. She started to fall asleep. I went into the bathroom and threw all of her razors in the bin. I cleaned up all the blood from the sink and floor and went back into the room. I stripped to my boxers and layed in Jaydene's bed. I held her close to my body and fell asleep.

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