Chapter 409

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Samantha's POV
When i woke up, Jayden had gone to pick up the twins from school so i went to go check on Aysia. I shut the window and peered into her cot. She was sucking her dummy attached to her necklace and playing with some toys. I picked her up
"You okay now bubba?"
She started to gurgle
"I'll take that as a yes then" i smiled.
I layed her on the changing mat to change her nappy. I gave her raspberries on her stomach and she started giggling so much. Shes soo cute. I put her back in her onesie and carried her back to my room bouncing her up and down. She started Clinging on to my necklace as i sat on the bed.
"Your daddy got me this Aysia"
Then she started tapping my chest and i laughed.
I covered my eyes "peekaboo!"
She started giggling
"Can you do peekaboo baby?"
I motioned me covering my eyes and she copied me.
"Well done!" I clapped for her.
I heard the door downstairs unlock.
"Daddy and your brother and sister are home now baby" i did a raspberry on her cheek and she started to giggle. I picked her up and went downstairs.
"Hi mummy! Hi Aysia!"
I kissed both thier cheeks. "How was your day today?"
"It was good"
They ran into the living room to watch TV and i turned to Jayden.
"Don't i get i kiss?" He held out his arms
I smiled and he pulled me in for a kiss. His tounge was about to go into my mouth but Aysia started gurgling. I pulled away and looked down at her.
"Look daddy's home"
She started to clap her hands together making me and Jayden both laugh. She put her arms out so i handed her to Jayden. Shes gonna be a daddy's girl aswell

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