Nothing gets past Spock

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This one is for my bestie Stephanie! You rock gurl!

You stood on the bridge, looking at the planet through the view screen. It was beautiful. A class M planet. Clouds swirled around the surface. Carrying water, and flashing with lightning. You couldn't believe that you were going down there.

"Lieutenant (y/l/n), are you ready?" Spock asked. You nodded your head. The ship had received a distress call, so you, Spock, Kirk and a security guard were going to help. Together the four of you walked to the transporter pad.

"Remember, stay close, and stay calm. " Kirk addressed everyone "We don't know who the distress call came from, nor their intentions, that's why we have you." he pointed at you "Be sure to let us know the second you feel a negative vibe coming from anyone." You nodded.

It was a mostly secret fact, your abilities. You had telekinesis, as well as some telepathic abilities. You didn't know why, but on missions like this, they came in handy.

"Okay, " the captain stepped on to the pad energize." You saw the yellow lights surround you, as you teleported to the planet below.

Suddenly, you were standing in a field of lush green grass. The green occasionally disrupted by beautiful blue and purple flowers. "To bad Sulu isn't here. He'd love these flowers." You thought to your self. You looked around as the others began to materialize around you.

About ten meters away, you saw what was left of a shuttle craft. Searching for any mental presences you walked to it. The shuttle was badly damaged. All that really remained was the cockpit. As you got closer, you began to feel something. Someone was alive!

You turned around. The others were busy taking samples of the area, and looking for survivers in the nearby brush. You continued walking to where you felt the mental presence. The thoughts were a bunch of jumbled up things.

No one was looking in your direction. So no one saw when you got hit in the back of the head with a piece of metal, and get dragged into the damaged shuttle. And no one saw the strange humanoid creature form into you.  No one noticed.

The creature walked away from your unconscious form. Smoothing her hair back, she went to where the others were grouped. "There's nothing  in the shuttle. Not even a body. I think who ever it was survived." Not-you told the captain. She resisted the urge to smooth her hair again. Her true form was hairless. So having a full head of hair was a bit taboo.

"Captain, I think I found something!" The guard called. Everyone walked to where he was pointing. In the moist dirt under a tree, was a footprint. The footprint of the human the shape shifter had killed. "Uh oh, thought I got rid of the evidence." She thought.

"I wonder who it belongs to." Not-you looked back at the shuttle. "The shuttle looks like its from starfleet."

"It is." Spock walked out from the brush. Scanning the area with a tri corder. Not-you held her breath. A Vulcan! She'd never seen in person before. Let alone get the chance to form into one!

"Lieutenant, are you okay?" Kirk asked.

"Oh! Um yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. How much longer will we be here?" Not-you asked. Anxious to get to the star ship.

"Not very long..." He was cut short by a buzz from his communicator "one sec, let me answer this. Kirk here." He walked away to answer the call.

Spock was eyeing not you. Something wasn't right. You weren't doing the things you usually did. Normally you'd answer a question or thought someone else was thinking. Or play with a piece of grass with your abilities. And you weren't even asking to get flowers for Sulu. Something was wrong indeed.

Not-you noticed his stare and looked back uncomfortably. Then, Spock noticed something very strange. Her eyes flickered. For one second, they were orange. Not-you looked away as the captain came back.

"Well, looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while. Scotty says that there's a storm front coming thru. And there's too much static to get us back up. So we have to wait out the storm."

Not-you cursed the darn planet. Why did the weather have to literately ran on her parade. She nodded at Kirk. "I think I saw a cave over there." She pointed towards a large outcropping of rocks, about thirty feet away. "We can wait out the storm in there."

"Good eye (y/n), come on, let's set up camp."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Time skip brought to you by: Beam me up Scotty!)

The rain never came. Just clouds, and a bunch of lightning. The group huddled in the cave, waiting for the storm to pass. "I'll go get more fire wood." Not-you volunteered, standing up.

"I will join you." Spock stood up. Not-you simply nodded. And together the two of them walked into the forest, gathering sticks and twigs.

"It is a shame. "

"What is?" Not-you asked, picking up a stick.

"That you were unable to find anything for Hikaru. You know how he likes it when you bring back items for him." Spock replied

Testing her. Only the real you would call him out for using Sulu's first name.

"Oh, well, I can't always bring back something for him." Not-you said." Who was Hikaru? What does she bring back for him?" She thought.

Spock knew, right then. He stepped in front of Not-you, and looked into her eyes. They were the same as yours. But they didn't have the same light.

The two of them walked back, arms full of wood. When Not-you dropped her wood with the rest, Spock took out his phaser, and stunned her.

"Spock! What are you doing?" Kirk exclaimed. Walking over to Not-you's unconscious body.

"I am sorry for my actions sir, but that is not lieutenant (y/n)."

"What do you mean?" Spock kneeled down and looked at the shape shifter. She had went back to her original form, a reptile like humanoid, with orange eyes. Kirk gasped and looked closer. "But, then where is (y/n)?"

"I believe I know."

~~~~~~~~~(Time skip brought to you by Spock's awesome ears!)

The security ensign stayed back to keep an eye on the prisoner, while Spock and Kirk walked to the badly damaged shuttle. When they made it to the cockpit, both were shocked by what they found.

Kirk rushed over to you, and took your pulse. "She's still alive." He said, relieved. "Looks like the shifter knocked her unconscious... Oh, the back of her head is bleeding."

Spock kneeled next to Kirk, and examined the back your head. "She will be fine. Has a concussion, and may need some stitches, but she'll be fine."

They picked you up and carried you back to the cave. Within an hour, the storm cleared up, and everyone made it back safely.

You woke up the next day in the Med Bay, with a killer headache, and no memory of what had happened. When the others told you, all you said was "Well, I guess nothing gets passed you Spock!"

Every one nodded in agreement, and let's just say no one tried to fool Spock ever again.

Hey guys! Sorry if this one doesn't make much sense. I wrote it at like, 2 in the morning.

Well, I gotta go. Remember, if you have a request, just let me know!

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