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I haven't done a Scotty one yet, hmmmm.

You walked through the ship, a little bored. Your shift in the Med Bay had just ended, and you had nothing to do. Finally, you decided to head down to engineering, and see your favorite Scotsman.

You had barely walled out of the lift, when you heard his heavily accented voice. "Keenser! Get down from there! "  smiling you walked to where he was.

"Hey Scotty, what's up?"  You asked, helping keenser get down.

"Hello, lass. What are you doing down here?" He had leaned down, and was currently fixing a pipe of some sort.

"Eh, I was bored.  My shift ended early. Figured I'd visit my favorite engineer. You sat down on a ladder, watching him while he worked.

Suddenly, an ensign walked up, carrying a PADD. "Sir! You need to see this immediately!" He handed the device to Scotty, who glanced at it, then quickly stood up. Following the red shirt.

You followed suit. Wondering what was wrong. "Scotty, what's wrong?"

"There's something wrong the warp core. If I were you, I'd get going, don't want ya getting hurt."

You didn't get the chance to answer, though, because at that moment, the entire ship lurched forward. Knocking the three of you off your feet. "Hmpf!"

"You alright, lass?" You nod your head. He helped you stand up, only for the ship to lurch again. Red lights began flashing, and the red alert siren screamed through the deck.

The three of you ran to the warp core, where red shirts were running around, trying to find the problem. You followed Scotty, who was scanning the damage.

You turned, and saw sparks coming from a console. Next thing you know, there is a loud noise, then everything goes black.


You open your eyes, all you see is light. "I must be in the Med Bay." You think. You look around, your laying in a bed, an IV taped to your arm. The beeping of heart monitor in the back ground wakes you up a little.

You hear something, and turn your head. Sitting in a chair is Scotty, his head in his hands.  It took you a moment to realize he was crying. "Scotty?"

He looks up, and tries to wipe the tears from his cheeks. "(y/n)! You're okay!" He scoots a little closer to you.

"What happened?" You're more awake than earlier, and now, you start feel the pain. You look at your arm, it's wrapped up in bandages, and so was your leg.

"There was an explosion. You hurt your arm, and your leg, and hit your head on a pipe. You've been asleep for two weeks."

"Hmm. Are you sure it was an explosion? I feel more like I've been hit by a bus." You joked, making him smile.

"I'm just happy you're okay. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."  You smile weakly at that. Your head still hurt a little bit, but you stayed awake, and talked.

A few minutes later, Dr.McCoy walked in, looking like his normal grumpy self. When he sees you, he stops, and smiles. "Ah. I was wondering when you'd wake up. How do you feel?" He walks over to you, and grabs a Tri-Corder.

"Okay I guess. My head hurts a little, though. "

"I can give you something for that, one moment." He walks away, and comes back with a hypo. "This might hurt a little." He injects you with it.

Slowly, the pain goes away, and you start to get sleepy. "I'll see you when you wake, (y/n)," Scotty says, as your eyes close, and you fall into dreamless bliss.


Hey people, how's my first Scotty one-shot? Let me know how I did! Love you my precious readers!


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