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Okay, so this one was requested by AryaOakenshield1985, thanks for the awesome idea!

Your PADD beeped, and you looked at the message. You felt your cheeks grow red as you read it. It was another poem.

The twilight skies and
Periwinkle stars could never
Compete with your beauty.

You're the one I adore
above anyone else, and you're
The thought at the end of
the day that makes me smile

You make me happy, even though
we've never really talked.
Seeing you smile makes my day.

Hearing your laugh, makes me smile.
You are perfect in every way.
Never think otherwise.
Your Admirer

It was possibly the most beautiful poem you'd ever read, and it was about you. For a while you'd been finding little things, things like small candies, and stuffed animals. And now, poems.

You sighed, and began to walk again. Knowing your cheeks were still red. As you walked, you passed the Captain, who winked. At you. Hmmmm. Weird.

You continued until you came to your desk in the linguistics part of the deck. You stopped when you saw the big bouquet of orange and yellow flowers. They were beautiful, with little darker specks on the petals.

You turned to an ensign who's desk was by yours. "Excuse me, but did you see who put these flowers here?"

He looked up,  and scrunched his nose. "I think it was the Captain." He said blankly, then looked back down at his PADD. Well then.

That must have been why he winked at you, it had to be. You looked back at the flowers, and noticed a white card. You picked it up, and read it.

"From your admirer," it said, "let them remind you that, no matter what, you are the sunshine that brightens my day."

You smiled, they did look like sunshine. You smelled them, and sat down. They smelled like a rose and a tulip combined in one.

For the rest of the day, you'd smell the flowers, and try to find out who your admirer was.
~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^(later that day)

"Jim! Did you put the flowers on her desk?"

"Yes Bones, I did. And she didn't see me either. Seriously, why don't you just talk to her?" Kirk asked, walking into McCoy's office.

Bones looked up at his friend. "You don't get it Jim, I can't just talk to her. She's so beautiful, what if she says no? Or doesn't like me?"

"She sure did like that poem you wrote for her. Her cheeks were redder than an apple." Jim said, smirking.

"Even if she did, I'm still not gonna talk to her. Just...not yet." Jim sighed at his best friend. Seriously, he could be pretty stubborn, if not clueless.

"Alright, whatever. See you later."


When you woke up that morning, you had a message on your PADD, from the captain. Why would he message? If he was your admirer, then why show his identity now?

It said "Dear (y/n), I know who your admirer is. Meet me in rec. room 7 at two thirty today, and you'll meet him.
Jim Kirk"

Was this a trick? To make you think it wasn't him? To be honest, you kind of hoped it wasn't him. He was nice and all, just not your kind of guy.

You sighed, but what if it was him?  You looked at the time, 8:47, well, looked like you'd have some time to mull it over.


You checked your watch. 2:34, you were late. Oh well, you weren't that late. You walked into the rec. room, and looked around. It was mostly empty. You saw Jim, and walked over to him. Ready to let him down easy.

That's when you noticed the guy sitting next to him. He had dark hair, and looked a little mad to be there. He was really handsome.

You walked closer, and both Jim and the man looked at you.  You smiled awkwardly. "Sir, you wanted to see me?" You asked.

"Yes yes, sit down. " you sat down, where he pointed. "(Y/n), this is my really good friend, Dr.McCoy. But you can call him Bones." He points a McCoy, then at you. "Bones, this is (y/n)."

"I'm pretty sure I know who she is Jim!" He whisper yells. Then he turns to you, and smiles. "Hi, just one second." He grabbed Kirks arm, and walked a little bit away. They were obviously arguing over something important, so you didn't interfere, just watched.

Finally Jim brought back a very flustered McCoy, and made him sit. "Okay, you're gonna talk to her. And tell her the thing, no backing out. This is for your own good." He made the 'I'm watching you' sign with his fingers, then walked to another table.

"Um, okay..." You said, confused. Bones smiled nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, Jim can be.... " he pointed at Kirk, "that."  You laughed, and nodded. "So he wants me to tell you who your admirer is."

"Do you know him? Is he nice? How do you know?" You asked, sitting up a bit straighter.

"Yeah, I guess he's nice. And I mean... " he trailed off, and took a sip of his drink. "I'm your admirer. " he looked down, blushing.

"Cool. " you said. Not really sure what to say. He looked up and smiled, you smiled too.

And you two talked all night, laughing and making jokes. It was possibly the start of something wonderful, and you were happy.

Eeeeh, probably not my best work, but I tried. Hope y'all liked it!


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