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I haven't done a Spock one in a while! Well, I hope you peoples like it!

Spock walked down a corridor, thinking hard. He needed advice. Which was strange for him, usually he was the one to give advice for problems. But this time, it was his problem. It was an emotional problem, and he was clueless.

He couldn't go to Uhura for help, their break up was kind of bad. He couldn't go to Jim, because.....well, he's Jim. So that left one person. Dr. McCoy.

Spock changed his direction, and headed to the Med Bay. Stopping in front of his office, he knocked. "Come in!" A gruff voice answered, and Spock entered, noticing the large amount of paper work on the doctor's desk. McCoy looked up, and his frown faded a little bit. "What do ya need, Spock?"

"I came for some advice on personal matters, but seeing as how busy you are, I can come again..."

"Nonsense, I'm not that busy. Sit down, tell the doctor what's on your mind. Muxt be something important, otherwise you'd have figured it our by now."

Spock stiffly sat down in the chair, his back rigidly straight, his posture perfect. "Well, as you know, and for some reason enjoy to point out, Vulcans tend to lack... Emotional knowledge."

"Yes, go on."

"As you are also aware, I have not dated anyone since the break up with Nyota. "

"Ah, so you need help asking out a girl, huh? Alright I'll help you. Who is it?"

"Her name is (y/n), she works in the science department with me. I find her very physically attractive."

"Alright, here's what you gotta do. Just leave her a note, asking her to meet you for dinner,or something. "

Spock nodded, thinking about what he was going to put in the note. "Thank you doctor, I shall follow your advice. " he got up and left.

"He sure is a confusing man..." McCoy muttered, getting back into his work.


Spock sat at his station on the science deck, watching as you walked in. "She looks so beautiful today." He thought, his finger hovering over the send button on his PADD.

He watched you go to your station, and begin your work. Finally, he took a deep breath, and pressed the button. Waiting to see your reaction when you received it.

Waiting to see if you'd accept.

Yeah, I thought this was kinda adorable. Hope you enjoyed!


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