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You squealed in surprise as your boyfriend hit you with a water balloon. Raising your arm your looked over the bench you were hiding behind. He saw your head, and chucked another balloon.

You ducked your head, and threw your balloon, hitting him straight in the chest. His head snapped up, blonde curls bouncing against his forehead. "Oh, now it is on!" He yelled playfully, throwing another balloon, and missing by an inch.

"What do you mean? Have you been holding back on me Pavel? Going easy on me?" You called to him, noticing his face growing red. Busted!

"Vwell, ummmm. There's no vay to anwer that....." He mumbled, dodging another balloon. He looked up from his bench, slowly panicing, he was almost out of balloons.

"Why is that Pavel?" You asked, still throwing more balloons, grabbing them from your (seemingly) endless cache. "Afraid you'll hurt my feelings?"

You relentlessly assaulted him with water balloons, only occasionally missing. He chose the wrong time to admit going easy on you. Because in reality, you'd been going easy on him.

"Okay, okay, I surrender! I'm out of ammo!" He claimed, standing up. He walked out from behind the bench, yellow shirt sticking to his pale body.

"Prove it!" You replied, holding a balloon ready. He held out his hands, showing they were empty. "Alright, I accept your surrender. You owe me something now." You said, wearily standing up too. Eyeing his for any signs of a trick, he was a wiz kid after all. Then again, so were you.

"Oh? And vwhat do I owe you?" He asked, smiling. He had you distracted. "Is it a cake? A hug?" He walked closer, taking you in his arms. "A kiss?" He whispered playfully, leaning in, closer, closer.... Your eyes closed, lips nearly touching his.....

Until a big splash, and a pain in your nose, forced your eyes open. "Ooooowwwww!" You exclaimed, holding your nose. You moved your hands to find them coved in blood. "Pavel! You dirty rotten cheater! I think you broke my nose!"

Chekov's face paled. He walked up to you, "(y/n)! I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad at me! It was an accident!" He looked at your bleeding nose, "here, " he took a handkerchief from his pocket, and handed it to you.

"I'm not mad, Chekov. Just take me to the Med Bay." He nodded, and the two of you walked out of the botany bay.


"Yep, it's definitely broken, how did this happen?" Doctor McCoy asked, his cold, gloved hands delicately touching your sore nose. You winced when he touched the bridge of your nose.

"Well, Pavel and me were playing with water balloons, and he pretended to surrender and- AWWWW!" Your explanation was cut short when he took advantage of you being distracted, and popped your nose back into place.

He then put some kind of weird tape across your nose, from cheek to cheek. "Why does everyone keep doing that?" You asked, rubbing your nose, as McCoy put away the bandages.

"Your nose is gonna be sore for awhile. I suggest you not do anything stupid to injure it further. " he put a bottle of pills in your hand, " and if it starts bleeding again, take one of these, and come down to med bay. Got it?" You nodded your head, and got up.

You walked out of the Med Bay, seeing Chekov, pacing anxiously. He looked up when he heard you, and a smile came to his lips. "You look funny with that tape on your nose." He said, pointing.

"Haha," you raised your fist, "want some tape on your nose too?" He stopped laughing, until you broke out laughing. For like five minutes, the two of you laughed, enjoying each others company.

"Vwell, I guess vwe better get back to vork, huh?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

You sighed, "I guess, I'll see you later." You replied, and the two of split off, you heading to the science decks, Pavel to the bridge.

You entered your office, and found a message on your PADD, you tapped it open. It was a picture, of you and Chekov. You holding a bloody tissue to your face, and Pavel looking panicked. Underneath it was a caption, "the closest he'll ever come to hitting a women, on accident."

You giggled, and saw the image was from Jim. Of coarse it was from Jim. One thing you knew for sure, Chekov would never hurt you.

At least not on purpose. He practically freaked out when he broke your nose, wait until you really get hurt. Someone would have to sedate him.

And two weeks later, that's exactly what McCoy had to do, because you had broken your ankle on an away mission, and he freaked out.


Heeeeeeey guuuuuuuuys! What's up?
Cool, I hope you guys liked this, I thought it was kinda cute.

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