~William Riker Special~

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Okay, so I was going through all my old messages and whatnot, and I found a request for a Riker one by AryaOakenshield1985. She requested one, and the details for what she wanted came after I'd published it. So, I decided to write it. Why not? Sorry for taking so long to realize that I'd practically ignored this, Arya. Please enjoy! I made it a special just for ya!

You sat in your seat, thrumming your fingers on the console in front of you. To say you were nervous was an understatement.

The Romulans had chosen you to be one of the mediators for a diplomatic dinner, and series of meetings with the captain of the Enterprise. This was a big step forward between your people and the humans.

A red light beeped on, and you looked down. Arrival To Designated Rendezvous In Ten Minutes. The screen said, and you felt your heart quicken slightly.

Ten minutes. You excused yourself from the bridge, and headed to your quarters. You looked at yourself in the mirror.

Like always, you were unimpressed. You were shorter than most Romulans your age, which made you seem a little younger than usual. You had strawberry blonde hair, cut close your ears. You always said you'd grow it out, but always cut it again in the end.

You changed your robes to the special ones your mother always wore. They were a beautiful dark, emerald green with black and brown accents and embroidery.

By the time you'd finished, the Starhawk had two minutes left until the other crew beamed aboard. You rushed to the transporter room, and waited.

Commander William Riker sighed, and ran a hand through his brown hair. When it came to Romulans, they always gave him a headache.

But hopefully, this would be different. Maybe now they could form an alliance. Captain Picard, Data, and Dr. Crusher walked in. They couldn't bring Worf, because Romulans hated Klingons. Which made him a little sad.

His Klingon friend loved diplomatic missions. "Are you ready to go, number one?"

"Yes sir. Waiting for you."

"Excellent. Mr. La Forge, prepare to beam us over." Picard said, his commanding voice booming across the room to Geordi.

"Aye sir. Ready when you are." He replied, pressing some buttons. The four of them stepped on the transporter pad.

"Energize." Soon, swirling yellow-white lights circled around them, and within thirty seconds, they were on the Romulan vessel.

Your pointed ears perked slightly as four people materialized on the pad in front of you.

You eyed them expectantly, trying to gauge their ranks. The one in yellow was obviously an android. He was a lieutenant? Maybe. The women in blue was a doctor. She wore the same blue uniform all starfleet doctors wore. But one thing about her caught your eye. She had the same color hair as you.

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