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Requested by KaiaAndy, hope you like it!!

Scotty ran through the many hallways of the engineering deck, out of breath. The day had just been rough for him. First, they were attacked by Klingons, then the warp core began to malfunction, and now, there's barely any power around the ship, and things keep exploding.

He ran a hand through his hair. The day had been so stressful, he wouldn't be surprised if he already had a few grey hairs. He slowed down a bit, and began going across the catwalk.

Your day hadn't been all that great either. You nearly died twice when the consoles you were working on almost exploded.

You were currently on the exact same catwalk, your messy hair occasionally falling in your eyes. You slowed down when you saw Scotty, and he did the same.

To say your relationship with him was complicated would be an understatement. You both really liked each other, but were also to shy to talk with one another.

When the two of you made it to the middle of the catwalk, you smiled shyly at him, and he did the same. He looked like he was about to say something, when the Red alert alarm sounded through out the ship.

"Not again...." You mumbled, about to take off to your post, when the ship suddenly lurched.

You grabbed hold of the railing just in time. Scotty, sadly, wasn't so lucky. He flew off the side, and was about to plummet to his death, but you reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Hold on, Scotty. I've got you." You said.

"Hold on to what, lass? You're the one that's got a hold of me." He laughed, a smile on his face.

Finally the ship righted itself, and a few ensigns helped you lift him back onto the catwalk.

"Thank you for saving me (y/n). Hopefully I can make it up to you by taking you on a date?"

You felt yourself blush almost immediately. You nodded, and ran back to your post, a smile on your face. "I'll see you at seven!" He called, and you smiled even more.

Maybe it wasn't that bad of a day.

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