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Requested by M-Spence! I hope you like it!

You smiled as you made your way through your house, a feeling of excitement and nervousness making you anxious. Today, your boyfriend came back from his five year mission. Of course, you'd be happy for that.

The part that made you nervous was the fact you had a four (almost five) year old son. Due to the lack of a strong communication signal, Scotty had no idea.

You knew the day would come when you'd have to tell him. But it made you so scared. What if he didn't want kids? What if he didn't like him?

"Mom! Mom!"

"What's the matter Morgan?" You asked, heading to his room. All round his room were scattered toy parts and a few little tools. He'd taken after his father, and had a love of building things and taking them apart.

He was sitting on his bed, a little tablet in his hands. He had it on the news. "Look! It says the Enterprise is coming to earth! They even mentioned daddy's name!" He was practically jumping up and down in excitement. His whole life he'd heard about his father, but he never did get to meet him.

"That's right sweetie, he'll get home around midnight." You said, messing up his hair. He looked so much like Scotty.

"But mom! I'll be asleep by then! Can I stay up? Please????"

You sighed. As much as you would have wanted him to stay up, he had school tomorrow. "I'm sorry Morgan, but you have school."

Morgan sighed as well, and set the tablet down.

"But, I may allow it if you clean your room."

The smile that formed on his face was priceless as he hurriedly began shoving his toys and tools into their respective shelf's and drawers.

You laughed and went to go get breakfast started. As you were getting the eggs out, your phone began to ring. You picked it up and brought it up to your ear. "Hello?"

"(Y/n)! How are ya lass?" Scotty's voice boomed. You smiled and started the stove top.

"Scotty? Oh my goodness, it feels so good to hear your voice again!" You said, your smile getting even bigger.

"Look, I haven't much time to talk, but I figured I'd call and let ya know that I'm coming home. Wanted ya to hear it from me, not the news."

"Well, I can't wait to see you! I've got quite the surprise for you." You cracked an egg over the pan, and let it cook while you focused on what Scotty was saying.

"And I have a surprise for you as well!" You heard someone say something to him, he sighed. "I have to go. I love ya, I'll see ya soon!" Before you could say anything, he'd already hung up the phone.

You sighed and finished breakfast. What could his surprise be? If there was one thing you knew, it definitely wasn't as big as yours.


The rest of your day was spent cleaning telling Morgan about his father. Even though he was only four, he was extremely smart for his age. The school had given him special tests in the beginning of the school year, and he was already at a middle school math and reading level. Which was strange to the teachers, because this was his first year of school.

He was labeled a genius, and you knew exactly why.

By the time midnight came, Morgan was asleep on your bed, his latest toy creation clutched in his hand. You were in the living room, on your way to sleep as well. You were just beginning to doze off, when you heard the sound of keys in the door. You jumped up, and opened the door before he could,and wrapped your arms around him.

He laughed and hugged you back. "I take it ya missed me."

Before you knew it, you were crying. He laughed again. "Aw, don't cry lass. "I'm here."

You wiped the tears away, and smiled at him. "Okay, about your surprise..."You began.


Before you could explain, Morgan came running out of the bedroom, a huge smile on his face."Dad!"

He crushed Scotty in a hug, burying his head in his shoulder. Scotty glanced at you, a confused look on his face.


Instead of getting mad, he turned to his son, hugged him back. "Hey buddy! It's good to see you!"

You never felt so happy in your life.


"His name is Morgan, he's almost five, he likes to build things, and he has wanted nothing more than to meet you." You said, giving him a crash course over his son's personality.

Scotty nodded, looking at the sleeping boy laying in his lap. "So he's a mini-me."

"Yeah, pretty much."

Scotty looked at you, his face suddenly serious. "Now, about your surprise..." He very carefully began digging in his pocket. When he finally found what he was looking for, you nearly gasped in shock. He was holding a ring.


"Ya know, I had this whole speech planned out, about how we could get married and start a family. But it seems we've already done one of those... (Y/n)... Will you marry me?"

"Yes! Absolutely!" You said, hugging him again.

This day just couldn't get any better.

There we go, I hope you liked it!

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