Guilt (All)

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Fair warning, very sad!

"She's gone..."

"She's dead..."

"I'm sorry Jim."

Those words echoed in Jim Kirk's mind. Over and over. The more he thought of those words, the more he remembered what happened. And the more guilt he felt.

~•~ (flashback)

You walked down to the transporter room, med-kit in hand. You were a doctor, and considering this was a serious mission, there was a high chance you'd be needed.

You were the second best on the ship, under Leonard McCoy by a small margin.

Though, people tended to not take you very seriously, considering your age. You were about the same age as Chekov, and currently dating the adorable Russian. He never liked it when you went on away missions, but somebody had to, and you were the best choice.

The mission was easy enough. You, Spock, and the captain were going to try and negotiate peace between two warring species. The Klingons and a race newer to space exploration, the Kiloo, who were human like, despite their blue skin.

"(Y/n), you're not going, are you?" A familiar voice asked. You sighed and turned around.

"Yes Pavel, I am. It's part of my job." You said, giving him a hug. "But don't worry, I won't get hurt. I promise."

He nodded his head, and hugged you back. He had a bad feeling about you going, but of course, there was no stopping you when it came to your job. "Stay safe..." He whispered, and you smiled at him. Then, you stepped onto the transporter pad, and soon, you were beamed away.


"...I won't get hurt. I promise..."


You had no intention of intervening anything. But when the Kiloo diplomat refused to agree to anything, and when the Klingon ambassador started to get progressively more upset, you felt you had to do something.

You tapped Jim's shoulder to say something to him, when you noticed the Klingon had a knife. When Kirk turned to speak with you and Spock, the Klingon made a move to stab him.

With out thinking, you pushed him out of the way. Causing you to be stabbed, instead of the captain.


"Jim! Watch out!"


It was a fatal wound. You knew the instant the knife plunged into your abdomen. When it happened, you fell back, the pain was immense, and you nearly fainted then and there.

Spock caught you before you could hit the ground, and Jim called an emergency transport.

Within seconds, you were back on the Enterprise, and rushed to the Med Bay.

"Dr. McCoy, she needs serious medical treatment." Spock said, carrying you in. You were bleeding a lot. Too much.

Bones stopped for a second, then, he began to tell people what to do. He'd do everything he could to save you, but it didn't look good.


"... It didn't look good..."


"I'm sorry Jim... I did everything I could.... But she's gone.... She's ... She's dead..." The doctor looked close to tears, as did everyone else who'd grouped in waiting room. Near the front, Pavel let out a choked gasp, and everyone lowered their heads as the news sank in.

You were dead. Your life had been stolen from you, all because you cared too much to let a friend die.

There was one thing for sure, and that was that Jim Kirk would never get over the guilt he felt for bringing you along. He'd never forget the fact that you were gone and he was still alive.

You were so young, you'd barely lived a life. You were like a ypounfer sister to him, and were very close.

And as Jim got older, and settled down with a wife, he still never forgot. He'd named his first child after you, and even cried hen he noticed she looked a little bit like you.

He never got over the guilt, and he never would. But as long as he was alive, he knew he'd never forget you.

Well? What do you think? How is it? Let me know!!!


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