Wesley Crusher

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Okay, so this is kind of based off of an episode I saw the other day. I hope you people like it!

Wesley sat next to the bed. His head in his hands. It was his fault. All his fault. He'd been stupid. He'd let his guard down, and you payed the price.

You lay in the bed, sleeping. If you could call it that. You were in a coma. Wesley and you were at the academy, training to become officers. Ever since the beginning, the two of you were obviously some of the best pilots.

It was supposed to be just a routine practice run. Emphasis on supposed. You had scored special clearance from the headmaster to practice around the rings of Jupiter.

He had been cocky. He dared you to a race, and the shuttle crashed. You almost didn't make it, if it wasn't for the emergency beaming process, you wouldn't have made it.

Wesley heard footsteps behind him, but didn't turn around. He didn't care about them. He cared about you.

Whoever it was, stopped beside him, but Wesley's eyes were closed. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder, and knew immediately who it was.

"Wesley, how are you feeling?" Captain Picard asked, pulling up a chair to sit by him.

"Alright, I guess." He said, then sullenly added, "Sir."

"She'll be alright." He told him, folding his hands in his lap. "Your mother said so after examining her herself." Wesley simply shrugged, then put his shoulders back into their slumped position.

"I remember when the two you first became friends." Picard began, smiling slightly. "You took one look of her sitting all alone, and told me, 'you know what? She's gonna be my best friend.' Then you walked up to her all confident." Wesley looked up, and smiled at the memory.

"The two of you spent all your time together, you were inseparable." Picard leaned a little closer to Wesley, his kind eyes showing his wisdom. "You still are. She's still here. Just give her some time."

"Yes sir. Thank you." Wesley replied, smiling slightly now two. Picard nodded his bald head, then stood up, he looked at you, sleeping in the bed, then walked out.

Wesley looked back at you, and took your hand. It was warm. It was then when he noticed the cheetah print bandana you always wore when flying. You would tie it around your wrist, believing it would bring you luck.

His watch beeped, and he looked at it, it was time for him to get to bed. He looked back back at you. "I'll be back (y/n), I promise." He whispered, then stood up, and walked back to his dorm, thinking about all the mischief the two of you had reaped when you were kids.

The next morning he came back before breakfast, and was overjoyed to see you up, awake, and talking to the headmaster. Your bright eyes landed on Wesley, and you smiled. He smiled back.

You were awake, that was what mattered. But most of all, you were okay. And that's what he really cared about.

I thought this was adorable. *gives cookies to everyone * have a cookie, on the house! I got them for free from the dark side! Whoo! I'm random!


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