!30k Special!

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Hey guys! I just realized that this story has 30k reads, and growing! That's awesome! Thank you so much!!!!! Here's one that was requested by MsWalkerTalker, I've decided to make it a special! Because who doesn't like specials?

You took a nervous breath, and walked into the lift. This was your first day, and it was possibly the most nerve racking thing you'd ever done.

Joining Starfleet, becoming a doctor, then being assigned to the Enterprise, one of the most awesomest ships ever. But it also saw a lot of action, something you don't like very much.

You exited the lift and walked through the halls.

'Oh well,' you thought, walking into the Med Bay, 'at least love isn't a part of my mortal dilemma.'

You knocked on your boss' door, and walked in. You handed him the PADD with all your information, not once looking up.

"Thank you, Miss. (Y/l/n). You may begin your job as soon as possible." He said, and you finally looked at him.

He was the most handsome man you'd ever seen. What with his chiseled jaw line, his beautifully colored eyes and tan skin..... And the muscles.

Holy smokes. Your mortal dilemma just got harder to deal with.

"I- I...... Uh, I can start anytime." You stuttered, your face growing a deep shade of maroon.

"Awesome. Here is a list of patients that need attending." He said, handing you a clip bored. "It's good to have you on our team."

"Th-thank you, sir." You replied, walking out before you could embarrass yourself more. It was going to be a long five years.


You sighed, it's been two months since you began your job on the Enterprise, and things couldn't be more mortifying for you.

So far you'd fallen three times, tripped over a chair, hurt your hand on a desk, and accidentally cussed out your boss.

You walked with your nose in a book, too busy trying to blend in, you didn't notice the chair in the way.

Before you knew it, you had tripped, and was flying towards the ground. Before you hit the ground, a pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders and lifted you up.

"Gotta be more careful. You might hurt yourself." Dr. McCoy said, and you blushed almost instantly.

"Th-thanks, for the save, s-sir." You said, gathering your fallen stuff.

"Okay, so please don't kill me or anything, but here goes..." He said, then, he leaned in, and kissed. Right. On. The. Lips.

You squealed and jumped back. Eyes wide and face redder than the shirts the engineers wore.

You took a deep breath, then turned back to him. "Call me sometime."

Then you left. Smiling. Things could be worse.

Okay, so I feel this isn't very good, but I'm gonna roll with it. Enjoy!


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