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Requested by JustALittleTrekkie, sorry I forgot it.

You had the perfect plan. The most fantastic way to get back at your husband, and tell him some news.

You and Uhura had all the supplies, and everything together. All you were waiting for was the boom. BOOM!

Paint covered every inch of Jim Kirk. From head to toe, he was pink. You and Nyota watched from the safety of a supply closet as he turned red, and stomped off to Chekov's room. Probably to blame him.

You and Uhura high fived, and walked out. Planning the next prank.

By the end of the week, it was a full on prank war. With Chekov, and Sulu on you and Nyota's side, while Bones, Spock, and Mary (Chekov's girlfriend) were on Jim's side, and Scotty on mutual ground, it was pretty even, and very messy.

"Sulu! Hand me that rope." Chekov whispered to his friend, when he got it, he wrapped it around a pipe twice, then gave it a hangman's knot, and let it fall to the ground.

Within seconds Spock walked over it, and his foot was caught in it. Chekov pulled on the rope, and he flew up. Hanging by a foot.

You and everyone else cheered as you took many pictures. The deal of the war was that whoever got pranked had to quit. So Spock, was out.

"Sorry Spock. But you can no longer participate."

"I understand. As humans would say, good luck." He said, then, your group walled away. Leaving him like that to be found by his team.

"Okay, so what should we do next?" You asked, and the others shrugged. For the last couple of days, things had been hectic. You'd used every good prank in the book.

Guess it was time for the finale.

You let the others go do their own thing, and made your way to you and Jim's shared quarters. He wasn't in there, luckily, and you began to set up your next prank. It was a special prank. You smirked as you messaged Bones.

One he wasn't going to expect.


You were on the bridge, doing your job, when your husband came running in from the elevator. "(Y/n)! Is it true?"


"What Bones said, is it true?"

"What did Bones say? I hear he says a lot of things. Do be more specific." You said, hiding the smile from your face.

"He said you're pregnant. Is it true?"

"Oh, yeah." You said, turning around. "Yeah. I am. Surprise!"

He hugged you happily, a smile on his face. "That's good. When Bones called me to med bay, I thought he was going to tell me I had cancer or something." He said into your ear, and you smiled back.

All part of the prank.


I'm sorry if this is awful. I am not at my best right now.

Yeah, sorry.


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