Wesley Crusher

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You and Wesley were best friends. Ever since his mom made you go on a 'play date' with him, you knew he'd never hurt you.

Now, you and Wesley were in the Junior Starfleet Officers program. A program for kids living on starships, interested in a Starfleet career. Even though you were supposed to be a doctor, you still needed credits from going on away missions.

So, of coarse, captain Picard made you come along on the mission. On the bright side, at least Wes was going.

You waited as the transporter beams faded away, then looked around. The others were no where to be seen. You stepped aside, and looked at the sky. No sign of rain clouds, which meant static wasn't the cause of your displacement. Suddenly lights appeared in front of you, and Wesley appeared. He looked around confused, then turned to you. "(Y/n), where's everyo ene else?"

"I wish I knew." You said, you tapped your communicator pin, and it made the chirping noise. "(Y/n) to the Enterprise, come in Enterprise."

No response. Wesley tried it to, nothing. The two of you just stood there for a while. Confused. "I wonder if the others are okay." Wesley said, he was sitting by you, picking at grass.

"Me too." You said. Suddenly, you felt something weird. The ground was shaking, only slightly, but enough to make you worry. "Do you feel that?" You asked, standing up.

"Yeah..." Wesley replied, standing up next to you. "It feels like an earthquake." The vibrations got so bad, you fell onto him, he caught you, but it was useless. The ground beneath both of you gave out. Plunging you into darkness.

When you woke up, you couldn't see anything. There was dust and dirt everywhere. You coughed, and began checking for any injuries. Luckily, you only had a few bumps and bruises.

Someone moaned, and you turned to the sound. "Wesley?" You asked, still unable to see. You began to crawl, your hands guiding you. "Where are you?"

You got your answer when you felt something other than rock and dirt. It was his arm!

You searched around, and managed to dig him out of the ruble. By now, the dust had cleared slightly, and you could make out the dark, red tint of blood. "Wes! Come on, answer me!" You cried, trying to find a pulse.

There was none. Angry, you hit his chest, hard. He couldn't leave you, not like this. You hit him again, and this time, something happened. He suddenly gasped, his body jerking slightly.

You wiped away a tear, and put your hand on his neck. He had a pulse. He was breathing. You smiled, and laughed nervously.

Your communicator pin chirped, and the captains voice came from it. "(Y/n), are you and Wesley alright?"

"I'm okay, but Wesley's hurt. We need help."

"Okay, we're locking onto your coordinates now." As he said that, yellow lights swarmed around you and Wesley. Next thing you knew, you were back on the Enterprise.

Dr. Crusher was waiting with some nurses, and a gurney. They took him to med bay, leaving you alone for a moment.

Commander Riker walked in, and chuckled. "What happened to you? You look like you just crawled through the vents."

"Well, let's see. An earthquake, a hole in the ground, and I think I just restarted Wesley's heart. What did you do?" You asked, relishing his shocked face.

"We never made it to the planet. Something jammed the signals. How did you restart his heart?"

"No clue. Just never ask me to do it again." You said, standing up. Even though you were covered in dust, you went straight to med bay.

Wesley was already awake, being more closely examined by his mother. "I just don't get it." She mumbled.

"Don't get what?"

"Well according to the Tri-Corder, your heart stopped. But, it was working fine when you were brought in." She said to Wesley. "It make no sense."

"His heart did stop." You said, and they both turned around.

"It did?"

"Yeah. But I restarted it, by hitting his chest." You replied, and Beverly looked at you, a smile on her face.

She looked back at Wesley, then at you. "Well, congratulations, (Y/n). You just saved your first patient." She hugged you, then Wesley, then walked away. A proud smile on her face.

"I have no idea what just happened." Wesley said, watching his mom giddily explain to Picard what happened.

"You and me both." You said. "You and me both."


This was requested by whovian3135, I hope you liked it.

Though, sorry if it sucked, I had a fight with my sister while writing this. But oh well, what can ya do?

Don't forget to comment your requests! Oh! And the next one is the next part for the Chekov ones I've been writing. ^÷^


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