Bones pt. 2

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Requested by @Superwholock709, hope you like it!!!!

You ran around your room, giggling as the characters in the movie you were watching began to sing. You sang along with them, doing the hand motions they were doing as well.

"(Y/n)! What're you doin'?" Bones asked, walking in.

You stopped, and looked at him. A smile on your face. "I'm dancing daddy!"

"You are? Why didn't you tell me?" He turned the volume a little more and you giggled as he sang along with you.

"When will my life begin?" You sang, and McCoy laughed, falling to the ground. You jumped on him, laughing as well.

He got up, and someone knocked on the door. "I'll be right back." He said, and you pouted for a moment.

He walked into the living area of his quarters and opened the door. Jim stood on the other side, looking sad.

"Hey Jim, what's up?"

"Bones, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Why? What's going on?"

"They found (y/n)'s mother. She... She wants her back." Jim looked down, he couldn't bear to see the pain in his friends eyes.

You'd been staying with Bones for almost a year, and everyone loved you. No one had claimed you, or reported you missing, so McCoy became your permanent guardian for the time being.

In all honesty, you couldn't really remember your mom, you'd spent so little time with her. Spock and McCoy thought she might have been a temporary replacement for one of the engineers, and wasn't sure you'd be allowed onboard while she worked.

But that didn't really seem right to you. You weren't sure why, but it just did.

"Daddy, what's going on?" You asked, walking up to them. "Hi uncle Jim!"

"Hey kiddo." He said, looking even more guilty and upset. "I have to go. We're heading to earth to meet up with her at HQ. We should be there by tomorrow."

He walked away, leaving you confused. "What's wrong with uncle Jim?"

McCoy closed the door, and ran a hand through his hair. "Sit down (y/n), I have something to tell you." He said sadly, trying to figure out how to you he was never going to see you again.

~ (few hours later)

Bones couldn't sleep, and neither could you. He tried a few times to get you in bed, but one look at your puppy dog, tear filled eyes, and he let you stay up with him.

You followed him around as he did work, pacing back and forth while he thought. He was both writing a report, and trying to figure out how to keep you.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly and looked up at him. "Daddy, can we watch a movie?"

He stopped and looked down at you. "Sure sweetie."

Together, you watched that movie, and eventually fell asleep, never once leaving the others side.


That morning, you got dressed in your favorite outfit (a purple shirt with a picture of a cute cat, and jeans with flower patterns on the pockets).

You did just about everything you could to delay going back with your mom, even locking yourself in the bathroom. Which only earned you about two hours.

When they finally managed to catch you and get you on the transporter pad, you were fifteen minutes late.

McCoy stayed with you, holding your hand. When the yellow lights faded away, you looked up at him.

"Daddy, I don't want to go."

"I know sweetie, I'm sorry."

You walked with Jim and Bones to a meeting room at StarFleet HQ. The door opened, and you saw a woman talking with admiral Jones.

She turned to look at you, and you cringed a little bit. Her hair was messy and unwashed, and she had makeup smudges underneath her eyes.

"(Y/n)! I've missed you so much!" She said, walking up and hugging you. She smelled like cigarette smoke.

You didn't hug back, and she pulled away.

"Thanks for watching my daughter." She told Bones. He nodded, and looked away, probably to hide tears he knew were about to fall.

Your mom began to lead you out from the room.

He let go of your hand, and you began to panic. "Daddy! Don't make me go!" You grabbed his hand, and your mom stopped.

"Quit it (y/n)." She slapped your arm, and you stopped. She took you out of starfleet HQ entirely, and with every step, you missed the Enterprise more and more.


McCoy took a deep breath and wiped his eyes with his hand.

"I talked with her, and found out (y/n) had been in the care of her mother until something came up, and her brother had to watch her.

She was sent to the ship, but he no longer worked there. That's how she got onboard the Enterprise. I'm terribly sorry, Dr. McCoy. I know you were attached to her." Admiral Jones said, both Jim and McCoy nodded, then left.

He was sure going to miss you.


About a week later, Bones was doing his normal routine, getting ready for bed, when he accidentally stepped on a Lego.

All your toys and clothes were still with him, and it made him sad everyday to look at it. He sighed, hopefully you were better off.

His PADD began to ring, and he grabbed it. Someone was video messaging him.
He pressed the answer button, and was surprised when your face showed up on the screen.

"(Y/n)? How'd you get my number?"

"Daddy! I miss you! Please come and get me! She scares me!" You said, ignoring his question. That was when he realized you'd been crying, and there was a bruise on your cheek.

"How does she scare you, sweetie?"

"She yells at me, and hurts me. She doesn't let me play with any toys, and she's always drinking that weird stuff uncle Scotty likes."

"I'll see what I can do, okay?" He asked, but you didn't answer. The sound if footsteps, and a door banging open was the last thing he heard before the screen went black.

He immediately got up and called his friends to a meeting. He had to get you back.


After a full week of court cases, the final day arrived. When McCoy filed the report, and your mother agreed to let there be a court ruling, you'd been taken to stay with one of the admirals, to insure you were safe, and not being coached on what to say.

So far it looked like your mom was going to win, but according to Spock, he had some important information.

Spock walked in, wearing his formal uniform. He had a file in his hand, and a determined look on his usually emotionless face.

You didn't really pay attention to what everyone was saying, you were bored, and tired, and just really wanted to go home with your dad.

It wasn't until people started cheering and uncle Sulu (the closest family member to you) gave you a hug and carried you to McCoy.

You laughed and higher him. There were tears in his eyes, you were going to stay with him.

He couldn't be happier, because he wasn't going to let you go anywhere.

Wooooo! This was long! I had fun writing this!!!! Also, sorry if the ending sucks, I tried!!!

I hope you liked this!!!!


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