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Requested by KittKattKawaii, hope you like it!

*And, I went back and added an important picture to my ten things about me chapter, titled So.... So please go back and look at it!*

*When you're six years old*

You kicked at rocks as you walked down the sandy path to your home. The sun beat down on your back, making the back of your neck sweat.

You hated living on Vulcan, it was hot, and rocky, and everyone picked on you for being human. It sucked. Even though they claimed bullying was illogical, some kids still did it. It made you mad.

You opened the door, and found your mom baking bread in the kitchen. "Hey mom."

"Hi sweety! How was school?"

"It was alright." You replied.

Your mom didn't know about the bullying, mainly because you didn't want to tell her. You were only six, and she felt bad enough about dragging you all the way to Vulcan. She didn't need any more things to worry about.

You moved to the dusty planet when you were four, when your mom married S'rolk, a Vulcan ambassador to earth. He was really nice, and always acted a bit more human when he was home.

But he rarely was. When Sarek, one of of the other ambassadors to earth was here, he had to be there. And vice versa.

You sighed and went to your room, wondering if you'd ever see earth again.

(The next day)

You heard the snickers and mean words before you saw who was saying them. S'del, one of your bullies, was picking on another kid. (Just to let y'all know, I  made the bullies a little more human like.)He was taller than you, and had the same black hair most Vulcans had.

His eyes though, were a lighter shade if brown than the others, and your eyes widened in recognition. That was Spock, Sarek's son.

You clenched your teeth when S'del called Spock's mom a terrible name. She was friends with your mom, and you often found them drinking tea in the living room, and talking.

You walked out and stood behind the bully and his friends. "You are being very illogical, S'del." You said, hands on your hips. They all turned in confusion to you.

"Look, it's the incompetent human. You're the illogical one. Walking around here as if you belong." He sneered, his face showing no emotion. You felt your cheeks redden in shame.

"At least I'm not picking on innocent kids, and being a bully."

"You should mind your own business." He took a step towards you, and you stepped back in fear.

"Leave her alone." A voice said, and you turned to find Spock standing in front of you, his fists raised, as if ready for a fight.

"Oh please. You wouldn't stand a chance against me. And I can do what ever I want."

"No, you can't. Now go away, and do not mess with either of us again." Spock replied, confident.

You gasped as S'del raised his own arms, and they began to stop. His friends ran away, not expecting this type of thing to happen.

Spock wasn't really winning, and you couldn't take it anymore. You ran over to them, and tried to separate them. "Stop it!"

Without thinking, S'del punched you. His fist hit the side of your head hard, you cried out, and fell to your knees. Blood began to seep from a cut on your cheek.

Spock felt nothing but pure anger spread through his veins, and he turned to his opponent. His face scarily calm. He punched S'del once, then twice, then three times. Backing him up until he reached a learning pod (you know, those holes on the ground where the Vulcan children learn), he fell when his feet no longer touched ground.

It took two professors to separate him from the older child. He stopped fighting as soon as they told him to fight, and they lifted him off of S'del.

Spocks eyes met yours as they took him to principals office, and you smiled at him. He nodded back, then you lost site of him.

You just sat there, as you pressed a tissue to your bleeding cheek. A light blush formed on your face. He barely even knew you, and he risked getting expelled to defend you.

He was different. But it was a good kind of different. And you liked it, very much.

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