Bones/ McCoy

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This was requested by @evelynpayne thanks for the idea! And sorry if I spelled your name wrong!

You stood in the partially empty rec room. This was perfect. Everything. "You guys ready?" You asked, sitting down at the drum set.

Kirk nodded, tuning his guitar. You had been shocked to learn he played an instrument. Not so much when said it was to pick up chicks.

"I am!" Sulu said, his recorder in hand. You had been worried about Sulu playing a recorder for your band. But he wasn't that bad of a player. The only problem was that the flute like instrument just didn't fit in with the band.

But he gave you the puppy dog eyes, and you just couldn't say no to his cuteness. Pavel nodded from his keyboard, and you realized something.

You didn't have a bass player.

The bass was the most important instrument. Next to the drums, of course. "Dangit, guys! We don't have a bass player!" You whined, standing up. You put the drum sticks in your back pocket. "I'll see if Leonard knows anyone."

You walked straight to his office, and didn't even bother to knock. "Bones!" You mumbled, sitting down at one of his plush chairs. "I'm in trouble!"

"How so, honey?"

"My band, the Bleeding Codfish, doesn't have a bass player."

"Bleeding Codfish? You suddenly have a band, and you name it that?" He asked, smiling, you sighed and slumped into the chair.

"Leonard this is serious! Do you know anyone who plays?"

"I know how to play, but not any songs." He mumbled, and your head shot up.

"Will you be in then band? PLEASE?" You asked, practically jumping on him.

"Yeah, I guess."

"WHOOO! Come on! The others are waiting for us!"


"Yeah Bones, it can't be a band without others." You replied, dragging him all the way to the rec room.

"Bones know how to play bass?" Jim asked, looking up from his guitar.

"Yep. Now come on! Let's get started!" You said, sitting down at the drum set. McCoy slung the bass over his shoulder, and began tuning.

"Hey, (y/n), you do realize Sulu is playing a plastic recorder, right?"

"Yes, just leave him be. I couldn't bring myself to break his heart." You replied, twirling the stick in your fingers.

"Puppy dog eyes?" He asked, and you nodded.

Finally, your band, Bleeding Codfish made a fantastic song, and even managed to play a show for some of the crew.

Even if it did remind people of the zombie apocalypse movies of the twentieth century, they still cheered.

And you got to spend some special time your boyfriend. Because, bass players are the cutest.

Though, he'd argue that drummers are the cutest.

But we all know, that recorder players are the cutest of them all!

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